Friday, August 26, 2011

National Table Tennis Championship Tournament 2011

By Sok Lak

A total of 119 table tennis players included 30 female players from 15 associations and clubs in Cambodia, have participated in the National Table Tennis Championship tournament 2011 over five days from the August 01-05 at National Stadium, Phnom Penh to challenge to become the table tennis champion this year.

The Championship is organized by the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport in collaboration with the Cambodia Table Tennis Federation.

Tuy Bunhoeun, Chief of the Mondern Sport Office in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, said that every year the Ministry has organized the national table tennis championship tournament 2011 in Cambodia in order to select the best players of the year to participate international tournaments, especially for coming event, the SEA Games.

According to report, the number of clubs and players in 2011 increase as last year there were only 110 players and 11 clubs. This year, there are six events including man, female and team event.

As result of competing this year, Royal Intercon team won the champion in the team event division one while Srey Keo club got the champion in the team event division two. As male event division one, Taing Kimhong acquired number one while Hanlong achieved first place as male event division two. Meanwhile, Ea Kimheng and Taing Kimhong also get the first place at pair-men event division one due Kim Ratha and Kim Sovan win the first place at the pair-men division two. The last event was female event which Long Diana win over Try Kimsour leading her to be the champion for the female contest.

A six-year experience table tennis player, Taing Kimhong, who won the champion at male event division one, said that he is very exciting to win the championship. “To win championship is not easy, but the spirit enjoyed in competition combined with the training lead me to win this year.” “Even though I win this year, but I need to train more, especially increase ball speed.”

Source: The Southeast Asia Weekly, August 7-13,2011, Vol.5, Issue 32, Page 4

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