Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Establishment of UC Red Cross Youth

By Sok Lak

Many students come from University of Cambodia (UC) commit to come together in form of volunteer to join UC Red Cross Youth club to help to fulfill Cambodia Red Cross humanitarian mission of preventing and alleviating human suffering in order to develop country.

The UC Red Cross Youth (CRY) club is officially established in the first Basic Training of RCY of UC which held over two days from 8-9 July at University of Cambodia. Youth Red Cross team is a team effort where Red Cross Chapters, schools, and students all work together to make their communities safer, healthier, and more prepare.

H.E. Kao Kim Hourn, Secretary of State for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and the President of The University of Cambodia, said that the establishing of UC Red Cross Youth club is another history of University. The first step of this club has 85 UC students who are volunteer come to join, but there are more and more next steps.

“What is important for the club is need to be active to improve society morality,” he added.

He mentioned that the club have important role to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases in society.  Red Cross Youth need to participate reduce the number of using drug and free of drug in society.

“The knowledge learn from Red Cross in not serve for oneself, but also the whole society, so all youth here need to share what you  learn to family, friend and people around you,” he stressed.

To be volunteers in RCY, it is not get new experience, new knowledge and new vision, but it is also link the world between theory and practice.

Kouy VengSrun, Coordinator of Youth and Volunteer program for UC Red Cross Club, teach all volunteer all about basic knowledge about Red Cross Youth to and told them that all Red Cross need to follow seven fundamental principle which are humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity and universality.

UC student Chea Sokchamroun who is volunteer to join UC Red Cross club, said that the activities of Red Cross is an activities that every youth need to do. “On behalf of a youth, I need to take a role to help my society whatever how much my ability or capacity, we all can do it to help our society.”

He added these activities are humanitarian activities which not side with one’s party, but help all every people without discrimination.

A female UC student, Chau Sophon, who also join UC Red Cross, said that I join UC Red Cross, because she want to be a good Cambodia youth who can do any possible job to contribute to society which lead me to be a model for other youth to walk hand in hand to build society. As she dreamed, she want to make changes to the poor, the homeless people, the disabilities people, poor women and unfortunate children, so Red Cross’s mission has the same direction as her dream. “I strongly determine to put all my efforts both physical and mental energy plus strong commitments to do whatever possible for club as well as Cambodia society,” he stressed.

Source: The Southeast Asia Weekly, July 10-16, 2011, Vol. 5, Issue 28, Page 10

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