Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Football Tournaments for Cambodian Boys and Girls

By Sok Lak

Three kinds of children football tournaments come together on the same days to compete each others on March 26-27 to win trophies at Old Stadium in Phnom Penh.

The three football tournaments are Barclays Capital ISF (Indochina Starfish Foundation) Girls Tournament, Adria La Palombara ISF deaf boys tournament and Adria La Palombara ISF deaf girls tournament.

21 girl football teams come from Bamttabang province, Kandap province, Siem Reap, Prey Vieng, Phnom Penh and other provinces participated Barchays Capital ISF tournament and 9 deaf children football team come from Kampot province, Kampong Cham Province and Phnom Penh involve into Adria La Palombara ISF deaf boys and girls tournament.

Kate Griffin, ISF country manager said that there are four tournaments for boys and girls this year including PricewaterhouseCooper/ISF U13 boys football tournament. “All the team come from [different provinces] together to compete together to win the trophies,” the majority of these children come from very disadvantage background-poor family.

She added that the idea of tournament is for children to enjoy themselves happily especially to promote girls to have the same opportunity the same as boys. Barclays Capital ISF Girls Tournament take two-days competition with 21 girl football team which come from various cities-provinces such as Bamttabang, Kandap, Siem Reap, Prey Vieng and Phnom Penh. In this tournament, Kangaroo Football (Mekhala Prey Vieng) won the champion and it is the second year that they won the champion.

“I hope that there are more support for girl to play football, because at the moment they do not have the same opportunity the same the boy”. In this tournament, it is show that girl have more potential, which is opportunity for them to develop in the future. From year to year, the girl have improved very much, and different from last year.

She motioned that she have a plan to bring children football team from oversea to Cambodia to girls as well as boys to have international tournaments. “We also plan to continue support all the girls to play football”

There are also two another tournament on the same day, which organize for deaf children people, she highlighted. “This year we have two more tournaments for deaf children, who come from Kampot, Kampong Cham and Phnom Penh. We have never been a football tournament for deaf people before in Cambodia.” It is the first opportunity for deaf people to enjoy and play together.

“I hope it will be more support to deaf players in the future to bring them into successful the same as other people.” The tournament for deaf is not just beginning, she hoped.

In Adria La Palombara ISF deaf boys tournament, Krusar Thmey BB is the champion of tournament, which won over DDP Phnom Penh 1 in the score of 4-2. For Adria La Palombara ISF deaf girls tournament, Krusar Thmey Phnom Penh won DDP Kampong Cham in the score of 2-0 and become the champion of the tournament.

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