Monday, August 22, 2011

Cambodia and China signed MOU on Sport Field

By Sok Lak

National Olympic Committee of Cambodia (NOCC) and Chinese Olympic Committee signed a Memorable of Understanding (MOU) on April 25, 2011 to promote bilateral exchanges and sport cooperation at NOCC headquarter. The MOU signed by H.E. Thong Khon, President of NOCC and Liu Peng, president of Chinese Olympic Committee.

The MOU focus on the strengthening of bilateral sports, the international sports exchange and cooperation, the encouraging and coordinating of each other in the international sport activities, bilateral coach and athlete training.

H.E Thong Khon, Cambodian Ministers of Ministry of Tourism and President of NOCC said that by singing the MOU, two counties of sport exchange and cooperation will be further strengthened in the future.

He reminded that before 1970, China provided a lot of valuable assistance on the field of sport to Cambodia. That’s time, the relationship between Cambodia and China was very good, China also help Cambodia to build sport city and trains Cambodia athletes as well as coaches such as Football, Volleyball. Swimming and other sport fields. Because of the war in country, the relationship between are keep in silent.

He continued that after Cambodia gain peace in the whole country with the growth of economy and sport sector, the relationship between Cambodia and China is better and better then we have this signing MOU ceremony on sport field.

Liu Peng, president of General Administration of sport for Republic of China and President of Chinese Olympic Committee said that it is his first time came to visit Cambodia and its pupose is to discuss the sport between two country and promote bilateral exchange  and cooperation in sport field. As old friend, China highly valued the China-Cambodia friendship and eager to continue the development of two countries’ sport field.

He promised that China will provide assistance within its capacity to Cambodia in term of sport development.

Vath Chamroeun said that Liu Peng visit Cambodia from 22 to 26 April to promote bilateral cooperation and sport exchanges.

He added that China and Cambodia have established comprehensive strategic partnership in which sport cooperation is one of the elements of it. The visiting of Liu Peng will promote the bilateral cooperation in the field of sports in depth on the Cambodia of great significant to the development of sports sector.

He highlighted that in 1960s, the cooperation between two countries in the sport field is very close and China helped Cambodia to build sport city and to host local sporting events successfully. After the war in Cambodia stop, the cooperation between Cambodia and China in the sport field slowly restored in which China sent coaches to help to train athletes and provide facility in term of developing sport sectors.

“I believe that through MOU, China will provide more assistance on technical training, sport equipment and others to Cambodia”.

Source: The Southeast Asia Weekly, May 1-7, 2011, Vol. 5, Issue 18, Page 12

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