Tuesday, August 23, 2011

300 Students to Learn About Minority Society

By Sok Lak

About 300 students come from University of Cambodia (UC) take a three days study trip from 13 to 15 May to eastern part of Cambodia, Mondulkiry province under the theme of “Khmer Love Khmer”. This trip is organized by lecturer Diep Sophal with student fund. 

The main purpose of this study trip is to bring students visit Modulkiry province to learn and research on the society of majority group as well as experience real society. It is also a golden opportunity for students to live independent and live together in which to build solidarity in among the team. On other hand, the trip is to connect students from urban and rural area and create a view to show the progress of development in country. This trip is also to emerge the love of country from student’s heart.

Mondulkiry province is one of northeast eco-tourism which is full of natural beautiful, thickly forested mountains, powerful waterfall and lush green rolling hills of the western side. 80% of population in Mondulkiry province is made up of many various minority groups, which Pnong is the majority of those groups. In 2010, there are 44,578 tourists included 3,251 national tourists visit that site, which is 51% more than last year as 29,358 tourists (3,916 national tourists).

“When students know more about their country, they will start to love their country more and more,” lecturer Diep Sophal said.

During the three-day trip in Mondulkiry, all students visit many place such as Rubbery plantation, Bou Sra Waterfall, Senmonorom capital, and Pou Tang village to find out the Khmer culture, majority society, and they way people live in province. In the same time, some group also did research on Pnong society which known as majority group in Cambodia. They also interviewed villager in Pnong village and collected many documents along with.

With all the three-days, all students live together and sing national songs with Khmer dancing which make them develop their love on own country.
Ban Chenda, a UC student, who participate in the trip said that he felt very happy to see beautiful landscape in Mondolkiry province, it is a point to attract more tourist to this province to develop the country “It is interesting that I can learn society and culture from majority group especially Pnong and the way they live.” Through the trip, I know the minority group’s dancing and the way they live in that province, the way they live is different from the way I live”

In the next year, he plan to create photos fair under the theme of “My Village” in which all UC students bring their photos from their homeland to participate in this contest. He added that he choose this topic because all UC students come from various province as well as village in Cambodia. “We will travel to winner village for the next year”

Source: The Southeast Asia Weekly, May 29-June 4, 2011, Vol. 5, Issue 22, Page 8

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