Sunday, February 27, 2011

National Olympic Committee organizes Extra-Ordinary General Assembly

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (16 February 2011) 
H.E. Dr. Thong Khon speaks at the Extra-Ordinary General Assembly
The National Olympic Committee of Cambodia (NOCC) has organized Extra-Ordinary General Assembly on February 15 at NAGA World in Phnom Penh to sum up all work in year 2009-2010 and set up strategy plan and work activities for year 2011.

H.E Dr. Thong Khon, Minister of Ministry of Tourism and President of NOCC, said the extra-ordinary general assembly is aiming to share experience, knowledge, the past successfully implementation in sport sector and Olympic movement activities through Autonomy based, good government, transparency and conflict solution conflict based on Olympic Charter of organization.

Currently, the NOCC has 33 federations included 18 Olympic sport federations and 15 Non-Olympic sport federations, but the activities level of all federations are far different. So NOCC divided them into three kinds of categories: high-activity federation, medium-activity federation and low-activity federation, he said, adding that, the differential of federation activities is show the limitation of consciousness in cooperation, solidarity and sharing art. All of these are the main barrier in developing sport sector in country.

He mentioned that high-activity or strong federation is refer to federation which has continuous activities both administrative activities, training, competition and other events. For low-activity or weak activity refers to federation, which has little activities or has less ability to run administrative and sport activities.

The good measures for all federations are strengthen administrative work in terms of possible ability of some federation as opposed to weak federation; continue to strengthen sport activity by create more sport activities and direct training techniques such as international and national training and international and national competition; consult to assist consciousness, possibility and strategy to support idea and sport activities; strengthen executive committee work and reexamine all federation’s possibility, ability and abandon in working by finding solution, providing training, offering motivation, giving direction, and showing possibility to run sport activities; planning an agenda and set up project by consult with NOCC, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport and private companies in order to achieve the goal; and understand and respect sport morality, fair-play principle to attract the attention of sponsors and sport fans for getting support.

In the development of sport sector, Football Federation of Cambodia (FFC) and Cambodia Tennis Federation (CTF) become the lead federations in sport activities, which promote to organize events in country and participate in international events. These two federations have a strong administrative and system, which caused the potential in development of sport activities and federation activities as presentation about FFC activities by Ouk Sethcheat, General Secretary of FFC and presentation about the development of CTF by Khith Sipin, Delegate In-charge of Media and Administration of CTF.

According to financial report of NOCC, the income in 2010 is 543,145.17 USD with expense of 474,639.59 USD. It shows that income is more than expense.

Mr. Ly Kosal, treasurer of NOCC said that the reform of financial management is important in strengthen the source of income. “It can help to support the development movement nowadays”

Beside the activities, NOCC also adopt and approval NOC (National Olympic Committee) of Charter, which has 19 Chapters and 64 articles. This charter will implements in Cambodia from now.

In contribution to development of Olympic movement as well as sport development, H.E Sao Sokha, president of FFC receive IOC (International Olympic Committee) Trophy.

At the end of general assembly, NOCC announced that H.E Sameday Siwatana is NOCC’s advisor and honorary life president of NOCC.

By S.L (SEAW, Vol.5, Issue 8)

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