Wednesday, August 17, 2011

12 billion Riel for Public Post and Telecom

By Sok Lak

The Ministry of Post and Telecommunications release a report and set up new strategy to enhance the quality of postal services and telecommunication services in Cambodia to develop country.

H.E So Khun, Minister of Ministry of Post and Telecommunication, said that the strategy goal of ministry is to continue to develop postal service and telecommunication system as standard as countries in region and worldwide including infrastructure, information technology, high effective economic growth and modern service covering the whole country of Cambodia.

The strategy goal of ministry are also to expand the service in rural area to people to receive and send as fast as they can and build up more cooperation, promote private investment with multiple human resource, H.E. So Khun said at the his open remake of  annual general assembly on 31 March.

He added that Ministry continues to develop postal system with a high quality as well as international standard. The postal service processed five to six times per week within country and five times to international average. In average, the rate of using postal service is 1.7 per person a year in Phnom Penh and 0.03 per person a year in province.

In 2010, he highlighted that 76.18 per 100 people were using phone both fixed phone and mobile in the whole country. Among them, 2.51 per 100 people were using fixed phone which equal to 358,750 fixed phone and 73.67 per 100 people were using mobile phones which equal to 10,896,379 mobile phones with 193.858 internet subscribers. For the payphone and public phone are used 288 phones across the country.

According to a report from the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, Cambodia has made significant gains in information and technology sector in the past decade. Only in the year of 2010, mobile penetration rate has been increased from 15 percent to 40 percent, fixed phone penetration rate from one percent to 6 percent, and internet broadband penetration rate from 0.5 percent to 2 percent.

In the report show that ministry gains 120,006,778,684.30 riel of revenue which equal to 166.95 percent of 2010 planning, 71,882,500,000 riel. The expense of ministry is 30,916,060,000 riel which equal to 93.70 percent of 2010 planning.

He mentioned that 400 km fiber optical backbone has built under the development loan project to develop telecommunication system infrastructure in Cambodia Growth Corridor, 651 km fiber optical backbone has built under the grant credit of China Exim Bank to develop telecommunication system across GMS-IS, 2,200 km of 8,583 km has been built by the investment of CFOCN and 15,340 km has built through load and foreign investment.

Source: The Southeast Asia Weekly, April 3-9/Vol.5, Issue 14, Page 5

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