Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Cambodia Marks Press Freedom Day

By Sok Lak

The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNOHCHR) and United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in collaboration with the Cambodian Communication Institute, the Press Council of Cambodia, the Club of Cambodian Journalists, Cambodian Association for the Protection of Journalists and the Cambodian Center to celebrate the World Press Freedom Day with the theme of New Frontiers of News Media: How new form of media can contribute to new forms of expression, journalism and participation on May 3 in Phnom Penh.

The 3 May was proclaimed World Press Freedom Day since the UN General Assembly in 1993 following a recommendation adopted at the twenty-sixth session of UNESCO’s General Conference in 1991. Every year, 3 May is a date which celebrates the fundamental principles of press freedom, to evaluate press freedom around the world, to defend the media from attacks on their independence and to pay tribute to journalists who have lost their lives in the exercise of their profession.

H.E. Khieu Kanharith, Minister of Information, said that

He stressed that this year government demonstrate all provinces to create a team which named as public relation and press massager. It means that all provinces need to create team in which deputy of province governor as responsible with a news officer and a provinces officer in charge of communication work. The public relation and press massager teams have a role to delivery message and response all question throughout suggestion. Creating this team show that the attention of government on news work to delivery clear message to all citizens.

According to Cambodian Association for the Protection of Journalists report in 2010, there are issues and pressure on journalist, but the news sector in Cambodia is on progress of development especially no one journalist died in their mission.

Ms. Anne Lemaistre, UNESCO representative in Cambodia said that the theme of this year is 21st Century Media: New Frontiers, New Barriers, and it will no doubt encourage a dynamic discussion about press freedom and our right to know in the context of new media. The new media landscape will progressively empower more Cambodian citizen to access information, express themselves, and participate in the public sphere. “The internet has much power to promote democratic discussion and civic participation in Cambodia”

She continued that only one percent of population having access to the internet, Cambodia still has a great digital divide. “Initiative and projects around the world have proven that IT infrastructures can as act as the best weapon against poverty through inexpensively addressing issues from health to food to birth control through timely dissemination of information and education.” She added that the internet, satellite, and digital broadcasting all offer new opportunities to promote freedom of expression and information, and the global exchange of ideas.

Ms Irina BoKova, UNESCO Director General, Ms Navi Pillay, UN High Commission for Human Rights and Mr. Ban Kii-Moon, UN Secretary General in a joint message for World Press Freedom Day’s celebration:

“The media revolution is triggering new debates about…the balance between expression and responsibility. We must not shy away from exploring all angles of these questions. We Must all rise to occasion and accept the responsibility of change”

Source: The Southeast Asia Weekly, May 8-14, 2011, Vol. 5, Issue 19, Page 8

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