Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Cambodia and Laos Cooperate on Land Mines

By Sok Lak

The Cambodian Mine Action Center (CMAC) and Japan International Cooperation Agency
(JICA) launch a workshop on Mutual Cooperation between Cambodia and Lao PDR on Unexplored Ordnance (UXO)/Mine Action sector on July 6 in Penh Penh to , which will be
taken place on July 6, 2011 at 8:00AM at Lotus Room, 1st Floor, Phnom Penh Hotel, Phnom
Penh, Cambodia.

The purpose of the workshop is to discuss a platform for exchanging of experiences in mine and UXO clearance between the two countries, Cambodia and Lao PDR.

H.E. Heng Ratana, Director General of CMAC, said that it is a follow up workshop which met in Lao one time. This workshop is show the good cooperation between Cambodia and Lao especially on the field land mine and UXO clearance. Both countries have very similar affected UXO especially Cambodia has affect land mine which happen at the beginning of this year.

“Through this workshop, I hope we can indefinite the priorities that we can work together as we want to see free of land mine in region so that we can achieve this vision together.”

H.E Phetsavang Sounnalath, Deputy Director of National Regulatory Authority for UXO/Mine Action Sector (NRA), said that by the initiative of JICA, it is good time for Cambodia and Lao to meet and discuss detail on the way work together and identify the area of possible cooperation in the future in terms of technical and management in order to exchange knowledge and experience at different level of technicians and management.

“We have the same goals as to reduce the accidents posed by UXO/Mine and move OXO/Mine form our country.”

Recently, UXO problem and its clearance is one of the priorities of the Lao government to deal with that will be contributed to achieve poverty alleviation program of the government. Nd As know, CMAC has a lot of experience and using different methodology and advanced technology to clear UXO/Mine, we can learn and maybe fit to Lao situation,” he added.

Suzuki Yasujiro, Chief Representative of JICA Cambodia Office, said that the purpose of this workshop is to explore resource form both sides and to promote possible mutual cooperation between Laos and Cambodia.

“Cambodia has already shown encouraging achievements in tackling its own OXO-mining nightmare.”

In the precious workshop, experience, difficulties and challenges in UXO/Mine Action sector was shared by both Laos and Cambodia sides and it is also confirmed that mutual cooperation is very effective way to improve the demining capacity as well as institutional capacity for both sides.

The workshop is part of a one week visit of Laos delegates consisting of National Regulatory Authority for UXO/Mine Action Sector (NRA) and LAO National Unexplored Ordinary Programme (UXO LAO) who came to observe CMAC’s key operations and facilities such as the CMAC Training Center in Kampong Chhnang, CMAC Central Workshop in Battambang, Mine Detection Dogs and Mine Risk Education, mine/UXO clearance activities and CMAC’s Community development activities in Battambang.

At the end of the closing program, there was a signing on the Minutes of Meeting (M/M) between Cambodia and Lao.

Source: The Southeast Asia Weekly, July 10-16, 2011, Vol. 5, Issue 28, Page 2

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