Friday, August 26, 2011

Cambodia Campaigns against Dengue Fever

By Sok Lak

Cambodia carried out dengue fever prevention action while the dengue fever this year is more serious than usual outbreak of dengue fever. The anti-dengue fever action will hold on July 30 at National Olympic in Phnom Penh. It aims to raise public vigilance, positive action and pay attention to prevent dengue fever.

Cambodia’s Ministry of Health in collaboration with SC Johnson Company organized Dengue Fever Prevention action at National Stadium.

According to a report presented at the meeting on June 25 in Phnom Penh, it showed that there were 4,626 cases of dengue fever and claimed 23 Cambodian children lives this year.

Ngan Chantha, Director of Dengue Control of National Dengue Prevention Center at the Ministry of Health, said that although the dengue fever prevention awareness of Cambodia people is increasing from day to day, but they still lack of actual action. Therefore, he hoped through dengue prevention action which held at National Stadium will remind and lead majority of people to take pay attention and take action to prevent dengue fever, because the dengue fever mostly happen and become very serious between May to October as rainy season.

He mentioned that 34.5 people in one million people suffer from dengue fever while 0.5% is death rate this half year. Last year, about 12,347 cases of dengue fever had been reported and killed 37 Cambodian children.

The dengue fever occur across the country, but the most serious provinces are Kampong Thom province (135 cases including 3 cases dead), Siem Reap (50 cases including 2 case dead), Kampong Speu (50 cases including 2 cases dead), Takeo (47 cases including 2 cases dead), Banteay Meanschey (38 cases including 2 cases dead, Kampong Cham (37 cases), Prey Veng (35 cases including 2 cases dead), Kandal (34 cases including 4 cases dead), Rattanakiry (33 cases including one case dead) and Phnom Penh (33 cases including one case dead). "Most of them were under 5 of age," he added.

In preventing this fever, the ministry spent one million U.S. dollars this year to buy Abate, which is a chemical substance used to put in water pots and other still water sources to kill larvae. In this year, ministry already released 93 tons of Abate from May to April and plans to released 75 to 80 tons of Abate in July and August.

He called on parents to pay attention on children whether they infected with dengue fever. “If children has high fever, it needs to take children to hospital immediately, otherwise children will face life-threatening.

Source: The Southeast Asia Weekly, July 31-August 6, 2011, Vol. 5, Issue 31, Page 5

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