Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Cambodia Marks 4th Anniversary of Cambodia Veterans’ Day

Sok Lak

The day of reminding every Cambodian of the great and invaluable sacrifices made by Cambodian people who have sacrificed their flesh and blood for the cause of the country and all people under all circumstances, Cambodia Veterans Day. This year, it is the 4th Anniversary and held on June 21 in Phnom Penh with presidency of Cambodia’s Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen. 

The Cambodia Veterans Day is a great opportunity for exchange of dialogue and recommendations for achieving great success and efficiency in the veteran sector as well as sustained promotion of the living standard and welfare of veterans and their families. It is also a new and important historic event of Cambodia’s veteran sector which responds to a prioritized policy of the Royal Government of Cambodia. “The whole nation is indebted to veterans in whom they are the symbol of self-sacrifice for nation and true patriots through their activities.

Through the implementation of government, many veterans have been elected as members of the councils representing commune, district, sub-district, capital and province, he added.

To improve the living standard and development of veterans and their family, Prime Minister lay out the some additional tasks such as (1) the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veteran, and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSVY) must continue to constantly check the payroll and prevent the trade of allowance policy, (2) the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Interior must cooperate with MoSVY and the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) , to check the updated list of veterans and family of the deceased veteran of each ministry and transfer it to MoSVY for further management, (3) MoSVY and MEF must push for the rapid implementation of Royal Degree on social security fund for veterans and sub-degree on national funds for veterans in order to proceed the process of social security allowance through banking system and ensure that the issues of veteran welfare are smoothly addressed, (4) the Ministry of Rural Development must continue to promote the implementation of social land concession project and the construction of accommodation for veterans’ families along the northern border area and expand such project to other areas, (5) the Ministry of Land Management, Urbanization, and Construction, and the National Social Land Concession Committee together with the sub-national mechanisms must continue to push for the project for distributing social land concession to armed forces, veteran, and their families as soon as possible, as adopted for 2010-2011 and stated in national budget law, (6) other related ministries/institutions, authority at all levels, and commune/district councils must give priority to include the work for improving local veteran’s living condition into their respective development programs, and (7) the Cambodia Veteran Association must strengthen their management at all levels.

Prime Minister called the Cambodia Veteran Association continues building house for veteran, who is the outstanding veteran and already has had in the community.

Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen said that the royal of government always pays great attention to veterans by setting social safety net policies to ensure their good living standard and provide favorable condition for them and their families to return to normal life in the society.

H.E. Ith Samheng, Minister of Ministry of Social Affair, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation and General Secretary of Cambodia Veteran Association, said that celebrating Veterans Day is very meaningful for all Cambodia veterans and citizens. This event makes all Cambodian people to remember great and invaluable sacrifices which made by male and female soldiers, people and all patriots, who have sacrificed their flesh and blood for the cause of the country and the people under all circumstance.

Since the establishing of Cambodia Veterans Association on 31 June 2007 till now, there are 93,603 families who are receiving subsidized money from government and 249,605 people under the protection with the 8,472,239,375 riel total monthly.

1,636 Cambodia Veteran Association member’s families already received 4 million riel per family with the total amount of 6,556 million riel.

Source: The Southeast Asia Weekly, June 26-Jule 2, 2011, Vol. 5, Issue 26, Page 6

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