Monday, January 10, 2011

Children Participate to Improve CRC’s Draft Report

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (16 November 2010)

The Cambodia National Council for Children (NCNN) in cooperation with Ministry of Social Affairs, Veteran and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSVY) conducted National child forum on November, 15th 2010 at Imperial Garden and Hotel in Phnom Penh.

National child forum under the theme: “Consultation of the draft report on the implementation of the optional protocols to the Convention on the Right of the Child (CRC) on the involvement of children in armed conflict and on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography”, aiming at providing idea or comment on the draft report on the implementation of two optional protocols and ensure the right of child participation in the process of draft report preparation.

There are 93 participants in this forum including children form 16 cities-provinces, members of writing report team which from Ministry of Social Affairs, Veteran and Youth Rehabilitation, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of interior, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Women Affairs and Veteran, Cambodian National Council for Children, Council of Lawyer, UNICEF, NGOCRC, UNIAP, COSECAM, Cambodia ACTs.

Cambodia has ratified CRC on October 15th, 1992, the Optional Protocol in armed conflict on July 16th, 2004, and the Optional on Child Trafficking, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography on May 30th, 2002.

According to article 8 of the optional protocols on child participation in armed conflict and article 12 of the optional protocols on sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography that after ratified 2 year, Cambodia take responsibility to send first report on the implementation of convention and 5-year report to UN children right committee based on principle and advice of UN.
“That’s why, CNCC prepare the draft report first time and second time on the implementation of convention of the CRC”,Mrs. Khiev Bory, secretary general of CNCC remarked. “I hope that the present children today will help the daft report better and better by adding their comment and own information.”

Mrs. Souad Al-Hebshi, Chief of Child protection program said that UNICEF also believe when children are allowed to participate in the general process of the reporting, then they can build capacity to actually produce a report depicting their priorities and their assessment about the implementation of the all the provisions enshrined in the two optional protocols.

“The key success to participation and engagement of the children in the reporting process is when we ensure that children should be consulted and informed in accordance to their evolving capacities, express their views in their own languages and when participation is child initiated and directed,” she emphasized.

She noted that Children involvement will help to improve the content of the draft report, by validate and provide supplementary information and assess if the report reflect your priorities.

H.E Ith Samheng, Minister of Ministry of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veteran and Youth Rehabilitation, said that the creating child forum is showed that Cambodia is stable and developing on all sectors including the implement human right especially the   right in speaking of child and youth. Moreover, children and youth has joined a lot of local meeting, national meeting and international meeting, also raise up many suggestions for government to solve such as drafting the law, policy, plan, strategy and other activities in developing country.

“The government of Cambodia has high commitment to glorify child right through creating good environment for children in living, development, warfare and protection,” he said at his closing ceremony of the forum.

By S.L (Vol.4 Issue 47, SEAW)

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