Sunday, January 9, 2011

Bush Meat Seizure Leads to fine of 4 M Riel

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (26 October 2010)

Sen Monorom town, Mondukiri province as part of a joint crack-down recently carried out by the Forest Administration (FA) led Mondulkiri Provincial mobile enforcement team and the FA’s Wildlife Rapid Rescue Team support by Wildlife Alliance, 75 kilograms of wild pig and muntjac meat were discovered being illegally stored at two popular restaurants in the town.

Supplied by information from local information and their own investigations, the two enforcement teams, comprising members from FA, National Gendarmes and Military Police, joined forces to investigate the two sellers located in the communes of Romenea and Spean Mean Chey in order to take action against illegal activity.

“Our interviews with the representatives of both restaurants show that they are aware of the crimes they commit as well as the provincial campaign involving restaurant owners, wild meat consumers, tourists and communities people to say no to wild meat and illegal wood,” said Mr. Chhum Samnang, FA Official and Chief of the Provincial Enforcement Team, adding that, continuing demand for wild meat foods is the reason why sellers are willing to take the risk.

According to Article 96 of the Forestry Law, storing wild meat without FA’s authorization is illegal and subject to serious fines determined by the law and regulations in force. The confiscated meats were taken to Phnom Tamao Wildlife Rescue Centre by the Wildlife Rapid Rescue Team to feed tigers.

Ms. Michelle Owen, WWF’s program Manager, said that forest crime is often driven by consumers who want to eat wild meat and have luxury wood furniture. This demand leads to hunting and logging in protected areas and continues the trade in illegal goods.

“For a reduction in forest crime not only the sellers but also the buyers need to say “No” to illegal wildlife and timber products,” she said. “If someone buys wildlife and illegal timber products, they are supporting forest crime,” she added.

The recent increase in confiscation is seem as a direct result of both the Mondulkiri mobile and protected area enforcement team’ responsiveness and expanding network of informants. Since July this year, the teams have confiscated 199 kilograms of wild meat including wild pig, muntjac and banteng 40 live animals of loris, Bengal monitor, snake, turle and porcupine, all released back to the wild, as well as five dead animals of green peafowl, wild pig, civet and hog badger. The confiscations also include 11 chainsaws, 17 ox carts, 36 rounds of snare, as well as 11 cubic meters of luxury wood. However, the problem is not confined  Mondulkiri; the Wildlife Rapid Rescue Team rescued 414 animals in July and August alone.

“Recent success in law enforcement have demonstrated a strong potential of how demonstrated a strong potential of how information from the public can help interfere with the supply side of wildlife crime,” said Mr. Keo Sopheak, FA Mondulkiri Protected Forest Manager. “In the end, more information on wildlife crimes will make for better and more effective enforcement.”

By S.L (Vol. 4, Issue 44, SEAW)

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