Monday, January 31, 2011

ASEAN Tourism Forum Held in Cambodia

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (19 January 2011)

The ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) 2011 has held on January 15-21 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The theme of this year’s forum, “ASEAN: A World of Wonders and Diversity,” captures the region’s richness and diverse resources which help to attract tourists. More than 466 international buyers and more than 1000 sellers with 511 booths attended the forum, which was open by Samdech Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia.

 At the official opening, Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Prime Minister HUN SEN stated that ATF is a large event in the region that provides a great opportunity for stakeholders in tourism industry to gather and share ideas, which helps in developing a strategic plan to attract in developing a strategic plan to attract more tourists to ASEAN region.

“It should be noted that ASEAN is seen a captivating and highly competitive tourist destination for development, based on the uniqueness of its potentials and diversity of historical cultural relics and tremendous natural resources, as well as the joint efforts in tourism development for the common interest of our ASEAN as a whole,” he said.

He also stated that ASEAN economy has been resilient and that ASEAN tourism grew of approximately ten percentages in the year 2010, as economies have started to recover around the world. Intra-ASEAN tourism constitution roughly 45 percent of the 65 million total tourist arrivals in ASEAN and has play vital role in accelerating intra-ASEAN economic activities.

“I would like to highly appreciate the pivotal role of tourism sector which has effectively and efficiently contributed to promote regional needs and export, which is the factor to promote macro-economic growth, social development and poverty alleviation.”, he remarked. Tourism is also considered as an effective tool toward solving the problems being faced by the world such as climate change, in which tourism industry causes least carbon emission (CO2).  Therefore, sustainable tourism development is playing key role in ensuring development toward building green economy.

“The ASEAN Tourism Forum 2011 is indeed a sign of new success for Cambodia,” said H.E Thong Khon, Cambodian Minister of Ministry of Tourism.

He noted that several meetings took place during the forum, including the ASEAN National Tourism Organization (NTOs) meeting, ASEAN NTOs plus Three meeting, ASEAN NTOs plus Indian meeting, ASEAN NTOs plus Russian meeting, ASEAN Tourism Ministers meeting, ASEAN Tourism Ministers plus Three meeting and the Greater Mekong Sub-Region (GMS) meeting.

Many important results were achieved in these meetings, H.E. Thong Khon said. For example, the Tourism Ministers have adopted an important strategic document, the  “ASEASN Tourism Development Strategy Plan 2011-2015,” aims to develop ASEAN tourism. The goals include developing the region to be become a “A World Class Destination”, “ASEAN-Feel the Warmth” and promoting a green economy in ASEAN member countries.

H.E Sok An, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister in Charge of the Office of the Council of Minister, said that this is the second time that Cambodia has hosted the annual forum, which is rotated among the ASEAN member countries. The first ATF in Cambodia was held here in 2003.

“The hospitality sectors has made tremendous improvements allowing tourist to feel the warmth during their visit to this precious land, Cambodia-Kingdom of Wonders, with its rich cultural history and splendid natural resources, blessed with the good-natured smile of Cambodian people awaiting to welcome tourists from all countries.” he stated.

While 21st century is considered as “The Age of Travel and Tourism”, tourism is recognized as a stimulus tool in boosting economic growth, contributing to jobs creation and improving people’s livelihood. The Royal of Government of Cambodia has paid great attention to and strongly supports the development of tourism sector.

In 2010, the tourism industry grew of 16 percent in Cambodia, with international tourist arrivals numbering roughly 2.5 million and internal tourists numbering 7 million. This help to further develop infrastructural linkages, good resorts, strong customer service, and a stable economic environment. These achievements are result of the tourism promotional campaign, “Cambodia-Kingdom of Wonder” and the “Clean City, Clean Resort, Good Service” initiative.

ATF is aim to project ASEAN as an attractive, multi-faceted single destination to tourism, increase awareness of ASEAN as highly competitive regional tourist destination in the Asia Pacific. In addition, ATF seeks to attract more tourists to ASEAN member countries, strengthen cooperation among the various sectors of the ASEAN tourism industry, and promote intra-ASEAN travel.

The next ATF will be convened in Manado, Indonesia, on January 9‑15, 2012 with “ASEAN Tourism for a Global Community of Nations” as the theme. PDR Lao will be the host of ATF 2013.

By S.L (Vol. 5, Issue 4, SEAW)

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