Sunday, January 30, 2011

ASEAN adopted Tourism Development Strategic Plan 2011-2015

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (18 January 2011)

Fourteenth ASEAN Tourism Ministers Meeting has held on January 17th at Peace Building. The meeting summarized ASEAN tourism development over the past year, and adopted the "Tourism Development of ASEAN Strategic Plan (ATSP) 2011-2015."

The Ministers, Deputy Minister of tourism authorities and other responsible persons from Cambodia, Brunei, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam attended the meeting.
Cambodian Tourism Minister at Thong Khon and Chairman of the meeting said that there is certainly a need for ASEAN to be attuned to the realities of the situation that the world has started recovering from the global economic downturn. “We need to sustain ASEAN’s fame as the fastest growing tourism destination in the world.”

“We must reaffirm our commitments for sustained ASEAN tourism cooperation, strive our best for the travel facilitation and connectivity for intra-ASEAN and international travel, and finalization and adoption of the ASEAN Tourism Strategic Plan 2011-2015” he remarked at opening of 14th ASEAN Tourism Ministers Meeting.

In the meeting, the ASEAN ministers unanimously adopted the "ASEAN Tourism Development Strategic Plan 2011-2015". The adoption of this plan is to further enhance and ensure the successful implementation of work program and activities so that tourism can continuously contribute not only to fast track ASEAN integration but also to elevate living standard of citizens in ASEAN counties, he said after meeting.

He pointed out that the five-year strategic plan mention about three priority strategies: develop experiential regional products and creative marketing and investment strategies; strategically increase the quality of services and human resources in the region; and enhance and accelerate travel facilitation and ASEAN connectivity.

“By 2015, ASEAN will provide an increasing number of visitors to the region with authentic and diverse products, enhanced connectivity, a safe and secure environment, increase quality of services, while at the same time ensuring an increased quality of life and opportunities for residents through responsible and sustainable tourism development by working effectively with a wide range of stakeholders,” he highlighted the vision of the plan.

He said at the meeting that ASEAN ministers discussed the position of the tourism market. The meeting also called for increased attention on ASEAN regional markets and the Asian market, but do not give up the European markets.

H.E Tith Chantha, Secretary General of Cambodia Ministry of Tourism said after meeting that ASEAN Tourism Ministers endorsed the five-year development strategic plan for tourism development in ASEAN is important. Members of ASEAN are determined to put ASEAN in 2015 into a world-class tourist area, welcomed the world, visitors to all regions of the ASEAN National Tourism.

It is noted that ATSP contributes to the overall goals of the ASEAN Community by 2015 through promotion of growth, integration and competiveness of the tourism sector and at the same time deepen social and cultural understanding as well as facilitating travel into and within ASEAN. The Ministers of ASEAN also emphasized the need for effective and on-schedule implementation of ATSP 2011-2015. The Ministers requested ASEAN NTOs to coordinate and oversee the implementation of ATSP and to report the progress of its implementation on a regular basis. The ASEAN NTOs shall also work closely with relevant ASEAN bodies, including ASEAN Senior Transport Official Meeting (STOM) and ASEAN Directors-General of immigration Departments and Heads of Consular Affairs Division of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs (DGICM), on the measures to facilitate in the region.

Beside than this, The Ministers of ASEAN expressed their appreciation to the Government of the United States for the technical assistance provided through the USAID, UNWTO and PATA for contributing their expertise in developing ATSP 2011-2015.

By S.L

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