Sunday, January 9, 2011

Cambodia Monitors the Child Rights

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (27 October 2010)

A National children conference under the theme: “Child Participation in monitoring the implementation of the UN convention on the right of child in Cambodia” has conducted in Phnom Penh, on October 22nd-26th. This program is organized by CCYMCR (Cambodia Children and Young People Movement for Child Rights) with technical support from Child Rights Foundation and financial support from Save the Children.

The purpose of this conference is to promote the understanding of the children roles in the implementation of UN convention on children right ; re-monitoring 15 cities and provinces grade rude level discussion results included problems, suggestions, recommendations and approve Children Report 2010 that tend to send to UN Children right committee; and provide opportunity to children to raise their own problems, suggestions and recommendations that they found out and then send to government officers, national NGOs, international NGOs and  relevant authorities.

Having well understood that participation of children and young in promoting awareness of child right is a main factor contribution to faster the implementation child right in Cambodia.

Seng Chansopheap, Head of movement council and chairman of child right council told The Southeast Asia Weekly that in 2010, the CCYMCR has compiled a report under the title “My life…My Suggestion…” and tend to summit this report to UN Committee on right of the child in Geneva on November 1st 2010, and also summit it to The Royal Government of Cambodia and the civil society.

The report focus on five main points: first, Child and Family refer to parents violate on child, not provide warm care to children and force children to earn money to support family. Second, Child and Health refer to Child Health care service is limited. Third, Child and Education refer to parents do not pay attention to send child to study and teacher impose a penalty on students. Another one is Child and special protection, it refer to child is being discriminated and to be forced in using drug. The last one is child and participation, children can not make decision or raise suggestion and receive information, he explained during presentation.

The survey show that among 440 children live in 15 cities and provinces in Cambodia, 41 percent of them lived in the situation of violence from parents, 26 percent did not receive warm care from partners, 25 percent forced to earn money to support family, 23 percent stayed with limited health care service, 20 percent did not send to study, 45 percent imposed a penalty from their teachers, 27 percent is being discriminated, four percent forced to use drug, 54 percent could not make decision or raise in their society and 45 percent received inappropriate information or have no information.

In the report “My life…My suggestion” contain the real stories of children in Cambodia and come up with the suggestion and recommendation for civil society and government to find solution and solve up all problems for children in present as well as future.

Ms Senait Gebregziabher, program director of Save the Children said that one part of children right is children participation. It is great that this workshop can bring children and young people to know their right and discuss about their right. On the hand, it is a special event that it is bringing different children and young people from 15 difference cities and provinces to join together. They have identified their problems, and their right in Cambodia with good recommendations for civil society as well as government needed follow up.

“It is good to see children to understand their right, but it is important to understand responsibility, right will not come without responsibility”, she said. “Children and young need to be able to be responsible and fulfill your role to understand your right and claiming the right from civil society and government of Cambodia within the right direction, she added.”

H.E Nim Thoth, secretary of Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation, said that it is nice to see all relevant institution pay attention on children work. “I believe that that government will response children’s entire request to build up a peaceful society with developing human source in welfare mode.”

He added that building country is needed educated people, but no educated people, it cannot develop countries. Therefore, all of the children will be a good human resource for developing country in future.

“We commit to bring this report to examine and think in order to follow up even though institution already did it with successful result, but it is not enough or fulfill us,” he said. “It is your commitment as well as government commitment.”

By S.L (Vol. 4, Issue 44, SEAW)

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