Sunday, January 9, 2011

Cambodia Athletes to Attend 16th Asian Games

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (30 October 2010)

The National Olympic Committee of Cambodia (NOCC) has cooperated with the National Training Sport Center to conduct a training course for selected team to attend the 16th Asian Game on November 12nd to 27th, 2010 in Guangzhou, China.

The training course under the theme: “Training course on regulation and morality of athletes for attending the 16th Asian Game at Guangzhou and other international games, focus on regulation and morality of athletes in participate game especially well-know their role and function in form of international athletes and dignified athletes.

There are 30 athletics included Coaching teachers to participate in this training course that held for three days, starting from the 25th to 27th of October 2010.

For this 16th Asian Game, Cambodia took eight sports and 22 athletes as a part of participation of the game: two male athletes in athletic, two male athletes in boxing, two male athletes in Chinese chess, one male and one female athletes in swimming, two male athletes in Taekwon- do, two male athletes in tennis, four male athletes in beach volleyball, and two male and two female athletes in wrestling. They will go with eight different field Coaching teachers and five official representatives of Cambodia.

All trainees had paid attention in listening and study in the course. They know their role, their function as international athletes, respect obligation, obey rules and maintain dignity. On the other hand, they stick persistently on Prime Minister Sam Techo Hun Sen’s recommendation: “If win-win in honor. If lose-lose in dignity. This recommendation is full of meaning and valuable for all people especially for all athletics and coaches,” said Mr. Ork Sethcheat, Director of the National Training Sport Center.

He continued to say that all trainees learnt a lot from training. They learnt the preparation in travel such as know how prepare their own equipment, know how to compete passport, airport documents and other documents especially the document enter China.

Second, they learnt the way of living in China which they are completing game such as eating, wearing, talking, technique in compete, how to warm their body up and the rules of fair play. They also learnt how to control stress during and before completing, how to set sport hygiene and wake up the willingness.

Mr. Vath Chamroeun, Secretary General of NOCC, remind that fair play is important point to get champion. When athlete understand fair play and respect far play, it means that they already win 50 percent in completing and it is also a morality of player. One more thing, all problems especially related techniques need both athletes and coach cooperate to solve it immediately to be easy in the participate game and no problem in competition.

“As obverse, it is see that some sports such as Chinese chess, Taewondo and Wrestling may take medal for Cambodia,” Mr. Vath Chamroeun told The Southeast Asia Weekly after the training course.

H.E. Bun Sok, Secretary of State for the Ministry of Education Youth and Sport, said that it is grateful for all trainers and trainees try to teach and learn in this training course and resulted in positive outcome from year to year. This outcome also show the willingness of official staff as well as coach teachers, athletes and the attention from the floor level staff of the Ministry of Education Youth and Sport, NOCC and government. “I hope and believe that all athletes know clearly the objectives of rule and morality of national selected team,” he added.

He went on to say that the involvement to the 16th Asian Game and other international games is a great opportunity for Asia nation as well as Cambodia to show their ability and genius, also exchange the culture and experiences with each other.

“It also trust that all athletes will try the best in completing with good performance, respect rule, use technique and obey sport morality in order to be a best athlete represent 136 athletes in world,” he remarked.

It is noted that 42 competitions will be hold during 16 days of the 16th Asian Games, among which there are 28 Olympic sports and 14 non-Olympic sports. Several debutante sports are added as unique to the Games, including Cricket, Dance-sport, Dragon Boat, Weiqi and Roller sport. There are totally 70 venues for the Games, including 53 competition venues and 17 training venues. Altogether these venues, 12 venues are newly built while the others are renovated. Guangdong Olympic Sports Center is regarded as the main venues, while Asian Games Town is specially built for the 16th Asian Games. Dongguan, Foshan, Shanwei will also co-operate with Guangzhou to run the sailing, boxing, weight-lifting and synchronized swimming.

By S.L (Vol. 4, Issue 44, SEAW)

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