Monday, December 12, 2011

Knowledge Sharing Workshop on Climate Change Adaptation

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and UNDP Cambodia is organizing a knowledge sharing workshop on climate change adaptation on December 13-14 in Phnom Penh.

This workshop will present practical examples of community-based efforts to adapt to climate change. They include development of community-based early warning information system, efficient water use, climate resilient irrigation structure and new techniques of agricultural practices.

The early warning information system is designed to provide farmers climatic information in their areas for farming planning and natural disaster alert. There are also experiences of improving water use with various tools such as ponds, pumping wells, rain-water harvesting tanks, and water filters.

The lessons also show how to integrate climate-related studies into irrigation construction schemes such as reservoirs and canals to make them durable despite of natural disasters. More significantly, there are demonstrations of new rice seeds that could resist to floods and droughts for two weeks.

A UNDP-supported project and led by the MAFF, known as Promoting Climate Resilient Water Management and Agricultural Practices in rural Cambodia, is demonstrating these practices to farmers in Preah Vihear and Kratie provinces.

The project is currently working in only two provinces, but it aims to have lessons learned replicated and up-scaled to other parts of the country.

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