Friday, December 9, 2011

EU Contribute the Democratic Development in Cambodia

To strengthening democratic and decentralized local governance in Cambodia, the Ministry of Interior together with the European Union, UNDP and the National Leagues of Communes/Sangkat (NLC/S) has held a four-day seminar on December 7 organized to conclude a ten million Euro of EU-funded project entitled Strengthening Democratic and Decentralized Local Governance in Cambodia (DDLG) at Apsara Angkor hotel in Siem Reap.

About 300 representatives of the local authorities from all parts of the country who attend the seminar will examine how the EU–UNDP contribution to democratic development, as well as to analyze lessons learned and to assess the achievements that the project made over the past six years. 

"The European Union is pleased to see the recent developments attributed to the work of the project, notably the Inter Commune Cooperation fund and the establishment and strengthening of the National League for Commune/Sangkat (NLC/S).  The EU has noticed that during the life of the project, the Royal Government of Cambodia has made commendable advances with the adoption of the Organic Law, a National Programme for sub-National Democratic Development and the election of District and Provincial Councils," said Ambassador designate Jean-François CAUTAIN, the Head of the EU Delegation in Cambodia.

"Although, the project is completed this month, considerable challenges still lie ahead. An even greater effort maybe necessary to overcome these challenges but the European Union stands ready to support Cambodia further in its sub–national democratic development reform," he added.

It is building local capacity through networking and pro-poor local investments (DDLG) project is funded by the European Union and implemented by UNDP. It aims to contribute to poverty reduction in Cambodia by strengthening democratic local governance institutions, systems, mechanism and processes. This will be achieved by strengthening the role and capacity of commune councils (CCs) through the setting up of a network of commune council; the establishment of functioning voice and accountability mechanisms, and the promotion of inter-commune cooperation.

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