Monday, December 12, 2011

“Improving the Management and Proper Use of Pesticides and Fertilizers for Enhancing the Agricultural Production in Cambodia” Seminar

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) will jointly organize a seminar on “Improving the Management and Proper Use of Pesticides and Fertilizers for Enhancing the Agricultural Production in Cambodia” through the Project of Capacity Building for the Quality Standard Control of Agricultural Materials (Chemical Fertilizers and Pesticides) (QCAM) on 14th December 2011 in Phnom Penh.

This final seminar of QCAM Project is aimed to create a platform to share information on activities and achievement of the QCAM Project as well as on the updated draft list of pesticides in Cambodia, and to discuss proper use and management of pesticides and chemical fertilizers in Cambodia.

More than 150 participants from relevant Departments of MAFF and the other Ministries dealing with pesticide and fertilizer management, relevant Development Partners, NGOs, Universities, Research Institutions and licensed manufacturers and distributors of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, Embassy of Japan, and JICA are expected to join this seminar.

The main guest speaker of the seminar is Dr. Keiji Tanaka, JICA Expert on registration and management of pesticides from Japan who has more than 30-year experiences in this field. He will cover the topic on “Review of the Pesticide List and Pesticide Management in Cambodia”, while the QCAM Project will introduce its project activities and achievements.

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