Thursday, December 1, 2011

Japan Helps Khmer Rouge Court

By Sok Lak

The Government of Japan announced on November 21st to contribute US$ 2,925,00 for the United National component of the Extraordinary Chambers of the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) budget, a press release said.

Khmer Rouge Court
Despite its current financial difficulties, the Government of Japan still decided to make a contribution to support the judicial process of the Khmer Rouge tribunal at this important juncture when the opening statement of Case 002, which is the most important case commenced on February 21st, and the appeal judgment of case 001 inclusive, will be pronounced on February 2, 2012. “Japan considers that it is important to proceed with the tribunal in a fair, efficient, and expeditious manner, given the advanced age and frail health of the persons charged and the long overdue justice for the people of Cambodia,” it added.

The Government of Japan viewed three points as of particular importance to the Khmer Rouge Tribunal, which are trials completing a stage of the Cambodian peace process meant to prevent the recurrence of atrocities committed during the Khmer Rouge regime. The Tribunal will help deliver justice to the victims of the Khmer Rouge, and the Tribunal will contribute to strengthening the rule of law in Cambodia.

Since the very beginning of the Khmer Rouge trials, the government of Japan has assisted and provided financial support of about US$ 70.57 million.

Moreover Japan, along with France, has actively assisted in the administration of the ECCC as co-chairs of the Friends of the ECCC.

Source: The Southeast Asia Weekly, Nov 27-Dec 3, 2011, Vol. 5, Issue 48, Page 4

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