Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Forestry Management Project Launched in Cambodia

By Sok Lak

The Forestry Administration of Cambodia joined United Nation Development Program (UNDP) and Global Environment Facility (GEF) inaugurated Sustainable Forestry Management (SFM) project which worth over US$3.8 million to help preserve forests and biodiversity in four provinces on 30 May in Phnom Penh.

The project will be implemented by the Forestry Administration through February 2015. The GEF provided US$2,363,635 with the contributing of US$1,500,000 from UNDP to the project, which carried out through community forestry activates by engaging rural communities in forest and biodiversity conservation and by creating markets for sustainable bio-energy technologies to help reduce green house gas emissions. The long-term goal is to help prevent further loss of forest cover.

H.E. Ouk Sokhonn, Secretary of State of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, said that “strengthening sustainable forest management 2011-1015” will unquestionably aide further endeavors to protect, manage and preserve forests, which provides us with a unique opportunity to achieve sustainable management of forest resources in the greatest interests of nation and people in country.

The Cambodian government aims to restore forest to 60 percent which it is estimated that 57 percent of forest covers in country. As compare to region, it is the highest percent, but protected areas and forests in Cambodia are under constant threat from logging, fuel wood dependency and lack of alternative energy sources, clearance for agriculture, weak forest sector governance and economic and social land concessions.

H.E. Chheng Kimsun, Delegate of the Royal Government and Head of Forestry Administration, said that project in line with the National Forest Program where decentralized forest management through community forestry and community protect areas is a key focus. As part of his commitment to preserve the forest, the government is aiming to establish two million hectares of the community forestry sites through the country by 2029.

“The Forestry Administration is implementing carbon credit pilot projects in community forestry in Ouddar Meanchey and Siem Reap provinces to contribute to reducing poverty of the rural poor and addressing problems of climate change and global warming,” he said.

He stressed that all involvement in developing community forestry sites so far are greatly appreciated. It is not an easy process and requires a great deal of diligence and coordination, but working together we will succeed to leave a long-lasting positive legacy for generations to come.

Activities to be undertaken by the new project include establishment and management of forest-based businesses in approximately 30 community forests and 10 community protected areas. Villagers, women in particular, will receive training in production of energy efficient cook stoves to generate incomes and help reduce consumption of firewood and emission of carbon dioxide.

Forest resource contributes from 30 to 40 percent of total household livelihood of rural people living near forests. “If communities are poor, it is difficult for them to engage in forest management if there is no return to labor,” Sophie Baranes, UNDP Cambodia’s Deputy Country Director for program remarked.

She mentioned that communities need to derive visible benefits from the project within a short time period or there are complementary activities that support livelihoods while the forest gradually restore.

Amid the increasing impact of climate and the loss of biodiversity, the UN general Assembly 2011 as the international year of forest to raise awareness on sustainable forest management and emphasizing how this can contribute significantly to sustainable development, poverty eradication and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and help the Government achieve one of the main Cambodia MDGs to maintain 60%.

The Sustainable Forest Management Project will support implementation of these policies working at a selected number of the 441 community forest sites and 98 commutes protected areas in Cambodia.

Source: The Southeast Asia Weekly, June 5-11, 2011, Vol. 5, Issue 23, Page 5

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