Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Cambodia Fight Against Human Trafficking

By Sok Lak

“Cambodian women and children trafficked to sell to neighboring countries to involve into sexual services, coolie work, drug trafficking, begging, picking up litter and other s. However foreign girls especially Vietnam girls trafficked to Cambodia to get involve sexual services, so the Cambodian government and neighboring countries need to continue to cooperate the government to take measures to effectively address these issues,” H.E. Thach Phen, Secretary of State of Ministry of Information said on July 14 at the round table meeting of “Danger of Child in Cambodia” in Phnom Penh.

According to report of Cambodian Center of Human Rights record from May 2010 to May 2011, show that 192 among 250 rape case are victims under age of 18 in which 122 cases are victims under the age of 13, 70 cases victim under the age of 11 and 49 cases victims under 7 years old. Most of the rapes are in Phnom Penh and Battambang which account of 46 cases in Phnom Penh 30 cases in Battambang.

“Human is global issues that many countries around facing including Asia Pacific, ASEAN, Great Mekong Sub-regional, also Cambodia. Cambodia and the world concern all acts covered human-trafficking are felony,” he highlighted.

He stressed that according to the Government of the Kingdom of the Constitution, children's rights protected by law and Cambodian millennium development goals to protect children victims of trafficking, sexual abuse, discrimination, child trafficking organs, forced children as beggars, drug addiction. “Even though Cambodia has not found the organs trafficking in children, but the Cambodian government attaches great importance role to prevent this not to happen,” he added.
H.E. reminded all parents to prevent their children being trafficked. “Criminals destination for trafficking in children is for them to perform sexual services, child labor, beggars, organ trafficking and other illegal activities. So people need to enhance self-protection awareness,” he noted.

Sang Sokleap, Acting Executive Director of Cambodia Against Child Trafficking Networks (Cambodia ACTs), said that the main purpose of this meeting is to share information and exchange experience to work together to try to reduce and eliminate the phenomenon of trafficking in Cambodia.

Source: The Southeast Asia Weekly, July 17-23, 2011, Vol. 5, Issue 29, Page 7

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