Friday, August 26, 2011

Commerce Ministers Support New GMS Strategic Framework for Economic Integration

By Sok Lak

The Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) Strategic Framework 2012-2022 for second phrase of regional countries will contribute benefit for development project and cooperation in the future and it will guideline to lead GMS countries to new stage of development and cooperation. The six participating countries in the GMS Economic Cooperation program reviewed and agreed on new GMS strategic framework at 17th GMS Ministerial Conference which was held on August 2-4 in Phnom Penh.

The second phase of the GMS program will focus on development of GMS corridors through multi-sector investments in urban development, rural and feeder road, area development, logistics, and power. And it is also mainly deal increasingly with software issues such as transport and trade facilitation, development of regional power market, multimodal transport including railways, logistics development, and inter-link between food security, energy sufficiency and climate change, the report from the meeting said.

Speaking at meeting at Peace Palace, Senior Minister H.E Cham Prasidh, Minister of Commerce and GMS Minister of Cambodia, said that the new GMS framework which shall be our guide in moving the GMS program forward in its third decade. Since the GMS program commenced in 1992, Cambodia have witnessed the amazing economic and social transformation on virtually all fronts-GDP growth, increasing in exports, intra-regional trade, and openness ratios, rising in investment and overall most importantly decline in poverty in the country.

“The greater connectivity and integration that the GMS program created afforded economies of scale and larger market opportunities which have turned to attract more investment, created employment, increased incomes, and fostered broad-based economic growth,” the minister stressed.

At the event, H.E. Zhang Shaochun, GMS Minister of China, said that the new GMS strategy framework will provide opportunities as well as challenges for each country and identify the cooperation with basic principles in directing the goal and priority cooperation for future cooperation framework direction. As a member of GMS, China has supported GMS members through many activities. In 2005, China took $20 million to establish China’s regional cooperation and poverty reduction fund at ADB. Through six year, it promoted 47 projects and $8.67 million finance added to support GMS members.

He mentioned that China also added $20 million finance to China’s regional cooperation and poverty reduction fund in 44th GMS meeting to continue promote regional cooperation and development.

H.E. Arkhom Termpittayapaisith, GMS Minister of Thailand, said that he hope all GMS countries would implement the strategy framework plan effectively in next decade so that they can solve trade and transportation barrier to attract more investment for regional. H.E. Vo Hong Phuc, GMS Minister of Vietnam, also call on all members to speed up to take off trade barrier to promote development cooperation GMS regional areas for more progress.    

Bindu Lohani, Vice President-in-charge of Asian Development Bank said: “the success of GMS’s program owes largely to its flexibility and pragmatism to its ability to respond to new challenges and adapt to new circumstances.” “The GMS Strategic Framework’s final endorsement for 2012-2022 will summit to GMS leaders to adopt in the 4th GMS Summit in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar in December,” according to joint ministerial statement.    

In 1992, with assistance from ADB, the government of Cambodia, People’s Republic of China, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Name launched the GMS program of sub-regional economic cooperation. In the GMS project, ADB contribute $5 billion while GMS government and development partners have provided about $4.3 and $4.6 billion respectively. Meanwhile, ADB also supported 173 technical assistance project totaling $240 million.

Source: The Southeast Asia Weekly, August 7-13, 2011, Vol. 5, Issue 32, Page 6

Two Cambodian Students Awarded Singapore Scholarship

By Sok Lak

With the object to help alleviate the problem of educating youths in ASEAN countries due to the economic difficulties brought about by the Asian financial crisis, Singapore has awarded scholarship to two Cambodian students, Miss Seang Nam and Miss Yean Seanglidet, for 2011, from the government of Singapore.

H.E. S Premjit stated that Singapore’s firm belief that human resource development is a key to economic development. “Singapore is a small country with limited resources, but we are committed to supporting Cambodia’s development through scholarships and technical assistance programmes under the umbrella of the Singapore Cooperation Program,” he added.

Both students will pursue undergraduate courses at the Nanyang Technology University while Miss Seang Nam will pursue Economics and Miss Yean Seanglidet will pursue Computer Science. The Singapore Scholarship award was first announced at the 6th ASEAN Summit in Hanoi in December 1998. The application for the Singapore scholarship normally opens in November each year. Three Singapore university offer scholarships for Cambodian students including National University of Singapore (NUS), Nayang Technological University (NTU), and Singapore Management University (SMU).

Till now, 40 Cambodian students, including this year’s scholarship, have received the Singapore Scholarships.

Source: The Southeast Asia Weekly, August 7-13, 2011, Vol. 5, Issue 32, Page 5

Cambodian Vovinam Achieve a Great Result

By Sok Lak

The Cambodia sport committee this week handed an award to Cambodian Vovinam athletes who won 12 medals from second World Vovinam Championship, which were held at Ho Chi Minh City from 27 to 31 July. Cambodia ranks 7 of 22 countries which joined the competition.

A total of 231 athletes including 12 Cambodian athletes, came from 22 countries (mostly from Europe) took part in this championship. Cambodia also took 12 athletes to take part.

Rat Sokhorn, President of Cambodia Vovinam Federation and Vice President of World Vovinam Federation, said that it is second time that Cambodia Vovinam to join such kind of event. “I am very happy and congratulation the good achievement of all athlete, the success of them are come from the trying hard of them, federation, ministry, and committee.”

“Sport sector is developing and on progress show from the result,” said Vath Chamroeun, Secretary General of the National Olympic Committee of Cambodia. “The achievement of Cambodia Vovinam is honor of Cambodia.”

Ou Rattana, head of delegated, said that Cambodia Vovinam received 12 medals including one goal medal, eight silver medals, and three bronze medals with seven place ranking. But it count the number of medals, Cambodia received second place.

According to public notice, athlete who got medals as international level will receive 20 million riel for goal medal, 16 million riel for silver medal and 8 million for bronze medal.

Sorn Alexp, athlete who got goal medals, said that he went much difficulty before get the champion. “I am so happy when I got champion, but I suggest government please hurry to provide prize for athlete to improve the live and to motivate the athlete’s spirit in order to achieve good result in SEA Games.”

In the First World Vovinam Championship in 2009, Cambodia got two silver medals and two bronze medals. As the new achievement, two Cambodian coaches became international arbitrator.

Source: The Southeast Asia Weekly, August 7-13, 2011, Vol. 5, Issue 32, Page 9

National Table Tennis Championship Tournament 2011

By Sok Lak

A total of 119 table tennis players included 30 female players from 15 associations and clubs in Cambodia, have participated in the National Table Tennis Championship tournament 2011 over five days from the August 01-05 at National Stadium, Phnom Penh to challenge to become the table tennis champion this year.

The Championship is organized by the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport in collaboration with the Cambodia Table Tennis Federation.

Tuy Bunhoeun, Chief of the Mondern Sport Office in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, said that every year the Ministry has organized the national table tennis championship tournament 2011 in Cambodia in order to select the best players of the year to participate international tournaments, especially for coming event, the SEA Games.

According to report, the number of clubs and players in 2011 increase as last year there were only 110 players and 11 clubs. This year, there are six events including man, female and team event.

As result of competing this year, Royal Intercon team won the champion in the team event division one while Srey Keo club got the champion in the team event division two. As male event division one, Taing Kimhong acquired number one while Hanlong achieved first place as male event division two. Meanwhile, Ea Kimheng and Taing Kimhong also get the first place at pair-men event division one due Kim Ratha and Kim Sovan win the first place at the pair-men division two. The last event was female event which Long Diana win over Try Kimsour leading her to be the champion for the female contest.

A six-year experience table tennis player, Taing Kimhong, who won the champion at male event division one, said that he is very exciting to win the championship. “To win championship is not easy, but the spirit enjoyed in competition combined with the training lead me to win this year.” “Even though I win this year, but I need to train more, especially increase ball speed.”

Source: The Southeast Asia Weekly, August 7-13,2011, Vol.5, Issue 32, Page 4

Cambodia Baseball Selected New President

By Sok Lak

The Cambodia Baseball Federation chose a new president after the third mandate of general assembly finished, which held on August 3 at National Olympic Committee of Cambodia.

Seven members were selected during general assembly to become executive committee members of new mandate to lead Cambodia Baseball Federation for 2011-2015, but did not choose president.

As the following day of general assembly, Phin Sarun, veteran administrator from Banteay Meanchey appoint as president. H.E. Nhem Thavy and Tony selected as vice-president while Yu Motoo take a role of treasurer and An Phearan became general secretary. For former secretary Chea Theary take a role of assistant to president.

Even though the Cambodia Baseball Federation did not select president in the assembly yet, the assembly approved statute which has 14 chapters and 69 principles.

In the report from Chea Theary, Cambodia baseball used to participate 24th Asian Baseball Championship in 2007 and Asia Cup in 2008 where Cambodia baseball team won over Malaysia baseball team at that time. Through the second mandate, 10 baseball clubs were established under the federation led by Joe Cook, former president of Cambodia Baseball Federation.  According to the plan of third mandate, the baseball federation plan to establish a baseball field in Phnom Penh. It also has a plan to join 26th SEA Games in November in Indonesia and 17th Asian Games in 2014.

Source: The Southeast Asia Weekly, August 7-13,2011, Vol.5, Issue 32, Page 4

Tourism Minister Reappoints as Taekwondo President

By Sok Lak

The Cambodia Taekwondo Federation (CTF) re-appoints tourism minister H.E. Thong Khon as president for 2011-2015 periods during the election in the General Assembly of federation which held on August 2 at National Olympic Committee of Cambodia.

As the president of third mandate for the CTF, H.E. Thong Khon, Minister of Ministry of Tourism and President of National Olympic Committee of Cambodia, got the absolute vote of 44 voices and was chosen to be president again in the fourth mandate.

As the result of general assembly proceedings, International Taekwondo Federation (ITF) and World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) combined together under one governing of CTF with one president and two general secretaries that is one response for ITF and another one response for WTF. Through the voting, Noun Prea and Ouk Ry became vice-president, Hem Samnang became general secretary and Boun himsothidaya became vice-general secretary.

H.E Thong Khon said after re-appointment that he was committed to developing Taekwondo and gain more achievement. “Taekwondo clubs need to work together to strengthen sport status in Cambodia.” At the time, he raised future plan for federation, especially to prepare for joining SEA Games in coming November in Indonesia. “We will prepare for participation in Asian Qualification Tournament for London 2012 Olympic Games,” he stressed. As the head of federation, he also plans to create Taekwondo association across country and set up for club tournament every month.

Taekwondo is one of Cambodia’s most successful sports. Hem Samnang, General Secretary of CTF, said that till now Taekwondo got 92 medals (8 goal medals) from international tournament including 10 medals from last year’s 16th Asian Games in Guangzhou. “Cambodia received eighth ranking among eleven countries in ASEAN.”

Source: The Southeast Asia Weekly (SEAW), August 7-13,2011, Vol.5, Issue 32, Page 4

Cambodia-China trade increases to $912 for first half of 2011

By Sok Lak

“Bilateral trade between Cambodia and China has grown about 82 percent in first half of 2011,” Ministry of Commerce official said.

According to report, Bilateral trade volume between Cambodia and China in first half of 2010 is valued at US$ 501 million and US$ 912.76 million at 2011 increasing over the same period with last year.

The total export of Cambodia to China have grown 275 percent so far with this year with an increase from US$17.68 million to US$66.31 million if comparing to the same period last year. At the same time, the total export of China to Cambodia increased by 75 percent which is a figure that rose from US$483.37 million to 846.45 million.

The main products exported from Cambodia to China are agricultural products, rubber, fishery products, wood, clothing and textiles. But China products exported are mainly raw materials, machinery, food, electrical appliance, furniture, light industrial products, medicine and cosmetics.

China also assists Cambodia to build road, bridge construction, other infrastructure, and invest in hydropower which are national development priorities and promote economic and social development in Cambodia as strength trade relationship between two countries, Kong Putheara, Director of Statistics Department for Ministry of Commerce. “China is not only important donors in Cambodia, but it is also largest source of investment and trading partner.”

Last year, bilateral trade volume of Cambodia and China is US$1.4 billion. This year, both countries are committing to reach US$2.5 as bilateral trade volume for the setting goal in 2012.

Source: The Southeast Asia Weekly, July 31-August 6, 2011, Vol. 5, Issue 31, Page 3

ASEAN Need to Narrow Development Gap to Build Prosperous Community

By Sok Lak

ASEAN needs to narrow the development gap, so that the news member states can catch up with the old member states in order to build prosperous community, Samdech Akka Moha Ponhea Chakrei Heng Samrin, Cambodian National Assembly President said during workshop on “Economy in ASEAN” on 27 July at National Assembly.

According to geography, ASEAN located between two super power counties, China and India, which is on progress in economy development and ASEAN also a very active and big international port with around 600 million people market. All of these are potential for ASEAN, but the development progresses among countries in ASEAN are inequality especially six members who is old members has high development, but the four new members (Cambodia, Lao, Myanmar and Vietnam) are far behind, he emphasized.

He added that the way to turn ASEAN to become an important economy and has important role with responsible to solve world economy, ASEAN need to work together to reduce poverty and the gap among members in ASEAN.

Beside the development gap, climate change also impact on world as well as countries among ASEAN.

Chap Sophal, President of the Cambodia Economic Association, said that among members in ASEAN, Cambodia’s gross domestic product (GDP) is very low. In 2009, Cambodia’s GDP per capital is only US$765, lower than Laos (US$940) and Vietnam (US$1,025).

In the past, ASEAN countries had done well to narrow development, but the war push Cambodia to get far behind other countries. “Cambodia has to work hard then Cambodia can move close to some countries in ASEAN,” he stated.

H.E Chheang Vun, Chairman of the Commission on Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation, Media and Information of the National Assembly, said that culture of sharing is a key to reduce to development gap and promote economic development to be sustainable.

H.E Hang Chuonnaron, Secretary of State of Ministry of Economy and Finance, said that the ASEAN goal is to build ASEAN Community in 2015, but economy among member is not yet achieved and ASEAN still in weak condition. To achieve that goal, ASEAN need to achieve a sharing community.

As the equitable economic development in ASEAN, promotion of small and medium enterprises is the first program which focuses on human resource development, capacity building in marketing, access to credit and streamlining legal and regulatory framework. This program can use a lot of labor especially unskilled workers, so the gap may reduce. On other hand, ASEAN also need to focus on sector cooperation especially environment cooperation and natural dister management such as forest fire and protection marine environment, management of forests and protected areas, and climate change.

Source: The Southeast Asia Weekly, July 31-August 6, 2011, Vol. 5, Issue 31, Page 5

Cambodia Campaigns against Dengue Fever

By Sok Lak

Cambodia carried out dengue fever prevention action while the dengue fever this year is more serious than usual outbreak of dengue fever. The anti-dengue fever action will hold on July 30 at National Olympic in Phnom Penh. It aims to raise public vigilance, positive action and pay attention to prevent dengue fever.

Cambodia’s Ministry of Health in collaboration with SC Johnson Company organized Dengue Fever Prevention action at National Stadium.

According to a report presented at the meeting on June 25 in Phnom Penh, it showed that there were 4,626 cases of dengue fever and claimed 23 Cambodian children lives this year.

Ngan Chantha, Director of Dengue Control of National Dengue Prevention Center at the Ministry of Health, said that although the dengue fever prevention awareness of Cambodia people is increasing from day to day, but they still lack of actual action. Therefore, he hoped through dengue prevention action which held at National Stadium will remind and lead majority of people to take pay attention and take action to prevent dengue fever, because the dengue fever mostly happen and become very serious between May to October as rainy season.

He mentioned that 34.5 people in one million people suffer from dengue fever while 0.5% is death rate this half year. Last year, about 12,347 cases of dengue fever had been reported and killed 37 Cambodian children.

The dengue fever occur across the country, but the most serious provinces are Kampong Thom province (135 cases including 3 cases dead), Siem Reap (50 cases including 2 case dead), Kampong Speu (50 cases including 2 cases dead), Takeo (47 cases including 2 cases dead), Banteay Meanschey (38 cases including 2 cases dead, Kampong Cham (37 cases), Prey Veng (35 cases including 2 cases dead), Kandal (34 cases including 4 cases dead), Rattanakiry (33 cases including one case dead) and Phnom Penh (33 cases including one case dead). "Most of them were under 5 of age," he added.

In preventing this fever, the ministry spent one million U.S. dollars this year to buy Abate, which is a chemical substance used to put in water pots and other still water sources to kill larvae. In this year, ministry already released 93 tons of Abate from May to April and plans to released 75 to 80 tons of Abate in July and August.

He called on parents to pay attention on children whether they infected with dengue fever. “If children has high fever, it needs to take children to hospital immediately, otherwise children will face life-threatening.

Source: The Southeast Asia Weekly, July 31-August 6, 2011, Vol. 5, Issue 31, Page 5