Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Japanese Aid Contributes development in Cambodia

By Sok Lak

The Embassy of Japan in cooperate with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Cambodia Office recently organized the Official Development Assistant (ODA) Press Tour program to Battambang and Pursat province in aiming at introducing and promoting the Japan ODA performance in Cambodia amidst the local media to spread the news of projects in two provinces.

Matsuo Hideaki (Right),
Head of Counselor and Economic of Japanese embassy
Around 30 media both international and national including television, newspaper, magazine and radio come from different organizations to attend ODA Press Tour Program to visit several project sites such as Kampang Irrigation Rehabilitation project site in Pursat, Agriculture Productivity Promotion Project (APPP) in West Tonle Sap, the project for Constructing a Science Laboratory at Battambang Provincial Teacher Training Center, and Fresh Water Aquaculture Project in Thmor Korl District, Battambang province.

Mr. Matsuo Hideaki, Head of Counselor and Economic of Japanese embassy said that up to fiscal year of 2010, Japanese government assisted Cambodia 240 billion yen including 31.29 billion yen of ODA yen, 149 billion yen of Grant Aid and 59.52 billion yen of Technical Cooperation.

Japan is known as the biggest donor of Cambodia. “Japan has assisted Cambodia through its ODA since 1991 after the end of two decades of the civil war in the country. Japan has contributed to Cambodia’s effort to reconstruct the nation and restoring peace.

“Japan has been actively assisting Cambodia, remaining as the largest donor,” he stressed.

In fiscal year of 2009, Japanese ODA loans was extended to help Sihanoukville Port’s Multipurpose Terminal Development Project which has 7,176 million yen (US$72 million) to construct a multipurpose terminal in Shihanoukville Port. “We hope it will enhance the capacity of freight, leading to the development of economic infrastructure in Cambodia and its economic growth,” he mentioned.

Moreover, Japanese Grant Aid was also extended to Cambodia in fiscal year of 2010 which focus on areas such as infrastructure development, mine clearance, environment, climate change and so on. “Japanese also provided Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects which total worth 10.67 billion yen as the whole,” Mr. Matsuo Hideaki stressed.

Media attended ODA Press Tour
There are four major project assisted from Japanese Grant Aid including the project for construction of Neak Loeung Bridge which is worth 11.94 billion yen, the Project for Improvement of Equipment for Demining Activities (Phase VI) which is worth 1,298 billion yen, the Project for Replacement and Expansion of Water Distribution System in Provincial Capitals for 2.76 billion yen and the Project for Flood Protection and Drainage Improvement in the Phnom Penh Capital City (Phase III) for 3.70 billion yen.

In the same time, Japanese Technical Cooperation was also extended to wide areas, ranging from basic human needs to human resource development for the market-oriented economic reforms, by means of training, and dispatching advisors as well as Japan Overseas Volunteers.

“Several projects have newly started such as “Project for Enhancing the Investment-related Service of Council for the Development of Cambodia”, “Agricultural Productivity Promotion Project in West Tonle Sap”, “The Project for Strengthening Human Resource Development System of Co-medicals”, He highlighted.

The Japan’s ODA focused on four main areas: realization of sustainable economic growth and a stable society, support for the society vulnerable, addressing global issues and redressing intra-ASEAN disparities.

Source: http://thesoutheastasiaweekly.com/?p=2113

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