Thursday, November 24, 2011

Cambodia, Indonesia Boost Bilateral Trade and Tourism

By Sok Lak

The Ministry of Commerce and Embassy of Indonesia has organized Indonesian Trade and Tourism Promotion (ITTP) 2011 from 6 to 9 October at Diamond Island Exhibition Center in Phnom Penh to boost trade tourism for two countries while bilateral trade increased steadily.

More than 60 exhibitors from Indonesia and representatives of Indonesian companies operating in Cambodia attend the exhibition. The exhibition is annual program of the Embassy of Republic of Indonesia to promote economic relation in the area of trade and tourism between Indonesia and Cambodia.

H.E Cham Prasidh, commerce minister inspects Indonesian product at the fair.
At opening ceremony, Senior Minister Cham Prasidh, Minister of Minister of Commerce said: “Cambodia and Indonesia are dynamic market economies that depend on international trade for stimulating economic growth.” “Government of Cambodia and Indonesia pursue active trades by utilizing ASEAN Free Trade Agreement (AFTA) and it likely to boost trade between Cambodia and Indonesia in 2010 and fully liberalized trade duties by 2015,” he stresses.

“I am confident that Cambodia- Indonesia business and commercial engagements would be a win-win situation for both countries. Indonesia business and investor should take this opportunity to explore business opportunities in Cambodia,” he stressed.

H. E. Soehardjono Sastromihardjo Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia said: “the need to connect economically between our two countries is not only required in the context of our bilateral relation, but also sought vigorously in our region today.” He noted: “Being members the Association of South East Asia Nations or ASEAN, with its goal to reach the ASEAN Economic Community in 2015, the timing for our countries to initiate more economic cooperation and collaboration, or in the ASEAN term, more connectivity, has never been more crucial.

He added that with a goal to achieve a Single Market and a Single Production Base in the region, with more than 500 million people and a total GDP of 1 Trillion US$, it is timely for us, our people and our private sectors, to ensure the availability of free flow of goods, services and skilled labors in the region. This year, in order to initiate these contacts, the ITTP offers variety of goods and business opportunities that are expected to offer more options, ranging from food and beverages products, garment, and health care to engineering.

“It also offers the chance for Cambodian people to get physically acquainted with Indonesia that offers its endless tourist destinations. Global Building Product, one of Indonesia Construction Company presenting at exhibition and set up its business in Cambodia for five month.” “Cambodia market is a lot of potential market especially for construction.

“I am surprise that market here is starting to grow up again and they find a lot of interesting in new product with my company, because this product have a lot of advantage such as sound insulating, temperature insulating, more precise dimensions, rot-proof, insect-proof, no emissions, virtually no waste, saves labor cost, speeds up project time and save project cost.”

“While the volume of this product increase, I would like to produce this product in Cambodia by bring specialist from Indonesia to work with Cambodian and investors and put factory here, said Richard J. Currey, Managing Director of Global Building Product. Company ranges from food and pharmaceutical products to traditionally hand-painted batik cloths, other hand-made products and travel agents displayed their products at the four-day event at Phnom Penh’s Diamond Island Exhibition Centre. In 2010, bilateral trade of Cambodia and Indonesia was worth about $220 million and it increased 11 per cent for first semester of 2011 if comparing with 2010. Previously, both sides plan to have direct flights to boost tourism and business transaction.

Source: The Southeast Asia Weekly, October 8-15, 2011, Vol. 5, Issue 41, Page 10

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