Monday, November 14, 2011

Chess Championship Tournament 2011

By Sok Lak

Mr. Houy Uy on September 12 controlled the top spot for the Chess Championship tournament this year and he will have a chance to join the international chess tournament in Macau late year. Mr. Heng Chamnan was the second place winner and third place went to Mr. Lay Chhay. Mr. Ly Hout, President of Cambodia Chess Federation said: “Mr. Houy Uy is a new young one for the chess team and he won the championship this year.” So far, we have not yet known him. Whether Mr. Houy Uy will go to Macau or not will be discussed as a player to join the international chess tournament this year,” he said, adding that what we are concerned about now is the expense for this event. “Players need to spend their own money for this event.” He added. Mr. Heng Chamnan has attended many events.

Mr. Houy Uy (left) against Mr. Chamnan on the chess board
Mr. Heng Chamnan
This year, 20 Chinese Chess players across the country attended the annual Cambodia Chinese Chess tournament over two days, September 3-4, at the Cambodia Chess Federation headquarters in Phnom Penh. The Chinese Chess tournament was organized by the Cambodia Chess Federation with the sponsorship of Phnom Penh beer and Da Chang Company, both of which are aiming to strengthen Chinese Chess in Cambodia, selecting the best players of Chinese chess and preparing for the International Chinese Chess competition in Macau. During the opening ceremony, Ly Hout, President of the Cambodia Chess Federation, said that this tournament encourages all players to gain more experience during the competition and learn from each other in order to raise the level of Cambodian Chinese Chess. He added that the players’ participation show new players and also have players who used to participate the Asian Games. “This competition is aiming to improve the level of chess players in order to carry forward the spirit of Cambodia on the international stage.”

In previous times, Cambodia chess players used to participate in Beijing, Shandong, Guangzhon, Macau and various countries in Southeast Asia which total around 10 countries, and received outstanding results. Gao Feng, Secretary General of the Cambodia Chess Federation, said that there were10 groups in the competition. The second day was the playoff competition while the final tournament will be held on September 12.”

Relating to the chess tournament’s prizes, first place will receive US$ 500 with a five-box beer package, second place will receive US$ 300 with a three-box beer package, and third place will receive US $200 with one box of beer. All participants will be awarded one box of beer as encouragement.

Besides these awards, the winner will go to attend the upcoming 17th Asian Chess Championship which will be held in November in Macau. The Cambodia Chess Federation consists of four kinds such as Khmer Chess, International Chess, Chinese Chess (Xiangqi) and Japanese Chess (Weiqi) with more than 300 members.

In March 2012, the federation will organize the 2nd Khmer Chess Championship which it has already launched on April 1-3 last year with around 200 participants.

Source: The Southeast Asia Weekly, September 18-24, 2011, Vol. 5, Issue 38, Page 5

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