Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Multimodal Transport Operation will implement in ASEAN countries in 2012

By Sok Lak

In 2012, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar will begin to implement a multimodal transport operations project to strengthen the ASEAN regional cross-border transport corridors and promoting regional and transport development toward ASEA community integration in 2015, senior officials said this week.

The ASEAN Framework Agreement on Multimodal Transport, initiative for ASEAN integration which is one of the multimodal transport operations project jointly by the five countries including Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar will implement in 2012-2013 to develop multimodal transport co-operation in regional, H.E. Leng Thun Yuthea, Undersecretary of Ministry of Public Work and Transport, said that at the national workshop which launched by Ministry of Public Work and Transport and the Marine Department of Thailand on September 5-9.

“The current era is the time of high competitive transportation industry while shippers want a cheap and smoothly facilitated transport product without barriers,” H.E. Leng Thun Yuthea said at the workshop. “Cambodia is a member of ASEAN currently increasing transportation capacity to improve competitiveness in the ASEAN market as well as international market,” H.E. Leng Thun Yuthea added.

Preecha Phetwong, Deputy Director General of Marine Department, said that Thailand attaches great importance to the initiative for ASEAN integration of multimodal transport operations under the cooperation project to promote economic and trade cooperation in ASEAN to be more rapid development.

According to World Bank report, the import cost in Cambodia was US$736 in 2006 and then went down to US$732 in 2009, but the import cost in Thailand was US$848 in 2006 and went down highly to US$625. However, the export cost in Cambodia is US$816 in 2006 and US$872 in 2009 while Thailand’s export cost is US$ 1042 in 2006 and only US$ 795 in 2009.

Source: The Southeast Asia Weekly, September 11-17, 2011, Vol. Issue 37, Page 2

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