Friday, September 2, 2011

Cambodia Mark ASEAN Day

By Sok Lak

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Flag was raised at the Ministry of Foreign Affair of Cambodia on August 8 to remark the 44th anniversary of the establishment of ASEAN while the bloc is trying to move forward to set up the ASEAN Community in 2015 and to play a key role in the global community.

The ceremony is presidency of H.E Hor Namhong, Cambodia Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and Soechard Satromihadjo, Indonesia’s Ambassador to Cambodia with the participation of other foreign diplomats to Cambodia. The ceremony was conducted with the rhythm of singing the ASEAN songs in Phnom Penh to commemorate the 44th Anniversary of the ASEAN Day as a regional entity and a driving force behind regional and global initiatives for peace and prosperity.

Speaking at ceremony, H.E Hor Namhong, said that today is the 44th anniversary of the establishment of ASEAN. ASEAN member’s countries and ASEAN’s dialogue partners in the world are celebrated in various forms of ASEAN day. “The ASEAN flag is a symbol of the unity of ASEAN member countries, and is moving toward establishing an ASEAN community by 2015 goal. Through the ASEAN day celebration, promotion of world understanding of ASEAN and ASEAN can be more known in the world with the ASEAN hosting flag everywhere around the world.  

H.E. Soechard Satromihadjo, Indonesia’s Ambassador to Cambodia, said that this year ASEAN day celebration commemorated a special signification with officially hosting of ASEAN flag fly side by side with our national flag at our respective diplomatic nation all over the world.

“This is a moment of development when ASEAN is consociating, integrating and transforming itself to a community,” he stressed. “ASEAN has committed to promote ASEAN connectivity that benefit to all members of state through trade, investment, tourism, people to people exchanged and development,” he said, adding that the ASEAN flag hosting give symbolize meaning to all ASEAN’s member countries in particular and international community in general for demonstrates to face future ahead together. 

For the next year, Cambodia will become the rotating chairman of ASEAN. “We are sure that the kingdom leads us to more productive forever, so we can employ all ASEAN’s capacity to ensure the wider nation continue to be marked by peace and stability in order to make advance economic development and prosperity,” he added.

H.E. Noe A. Wong, Ambassador of the republic of the Philippines, said that the display of the ASEAN color side by side with national colors is a very clear and strong manifestation that the people and national in Southeast Asia have embraced ASEAN as the ultimate instrument for the achievement of their shared aspirations for peace, solidarity, and harmony in the region. “It symbolizes the unity and determination of the ASEAN nations to forge a political, economic, and socio-cultural community united by a vision to create regional environment that will foster and promote growth, development, and prosperity for the people of Southeast Asia.

Dato' Sri Anifah Hj. Aman, Ambassador of Malaysian, said that the ASEAN flag is a symbol of the unity and solidarity of ASEAN member states to support for the principle and endeavors of ASEAN and as a means to promote greater ASEAN awareness. ASEAN was established on 8 August 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand, with the signing of the ASEAN Declaration (Bangkok Declaration) by Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Brunei Darussalam (1984), Viet Nam (1995), Lao PDR (1997), Myanmar (1997), and Cambodia (1999), then join to comprise ten Member States of ASEAN. In 2012, Cambodia will take over as rotating chairman of ASEAN. ASEAN regional summit and many other important meeting will be held in Cambodia.

Source: The Southeast Asia Weekly, August 14-20, 2011, Vol. 5, Issue 33, Page 1

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