Friday, September 9, 2011

Economic Census 2011 Found about half Million Establishments

By Sok Lak

About half million establishments in Cambodia as of March 1, 2011 as the preliminary results of the Economic Census of Cambodia (EC 2011) released by H.E. Chay Than on August 8 in Phnom Penh. The final results of EC 2011 will be released in March 2012 at national level and the dissemination at sub-national level will be done until June 2012.

H.E. Chhay Than, Senior Minister of Planning and Chairman of National Census Committee of 2011, said that Cambodia has 503,008 establishments and the number of establishments per 1,000 persons is 34.6 establishments. As compared with other countries, Japan has 6.2 millions establishments with 48.4; Indonesia has 22.7 with 102.3; and Laos has 209 thousands with 37.4 respectively. “Among these four countries, Cambodia has relatively fewer establishments for its population size even though the establishment in country is rising,” he stressed.

The biggest province in terms of the number of establishment was Phnom Penh which has 95,467 establishments and equal to 19% of total number in Cambodia with the followed by Kampong Cham (55,903 or 11.1%), Kandal (40,359 or 8%), Battambang (33,982 or 6.8%), Siem Reap (32,034 or 6.4%). These five provinces are located in plain areas or on the lakeside of Tonle Sap Lake, occupying more than 50% of the total number establishments in Cambodia, he emphasized.

According to preliminary result of EC2011, the number of establishment with ten persons engaged or less accounted for more than 98% in Cambodia. There are four groups if looking at the number of establishment by size of persons engaged: “1 to 10 persons engaged” was 493,117 establishment accounting for 98% of the total, “11 to 50 persons” was 8,476 (1.7%). “51 to 100 persons) was 779 (0.2%), and “101 or more” was 636 (0.1%). Looking at the number of large-scale establishment with 101 persons engaged or more by province, there were 348 establishments in Phnom Penh (54.7%), 49 in Kandal (7.7%), 39 in Siem Reap (6.1%), 32 in Svay Rieng (5%), and 29 in both Kampong Cham and Sihanoukville (4.6%). If looking at the number of medium-scale establishment with 51 to 100 persons engaged by province, there were 297 establishments in Phnom Penh accounting for 38.1%, 73 in Kampong Cham (9.4%), 72 in Kandal (9.2%), 64 in Siem Reap (8.2%), and 46 in Battambang (5.9%).

Meanwhile, the establishment density was 2.8 establishments per kilometer which Phnom Penh has 158.3 per kilometer, Kadal (12.4), Sihanoukville (12.3), Takeo (8.9) and Prey Veng (6.1) while the number of establishments per 1,000 households was 162.5 establishments which Phnom Penh has 273.6 establishments, Sihanoukville (206.6), Kep (199.5), Stung Treng (194.7), and Koh Kong (180.9).

He mentioned that Economic census 2011 (EC2011) is one of three census provided the main statistical information on economic activities on the location for developing the economy and strengthen the policies the government aiming at good government and elaborating the national development plan and poverty eradication of the people. “It is necessary requirement of Cambodia government in current circumstances in order to develop the country as well as to obtain support from development partners and local investors as well as foreign investors.”

H.E. San Sy Than, Director General of National Institute of Statistics for Ministry of Planning, said that there are 4,628 total staff including 2,030 enumerators and 484 supervisor were employed and 24 regional officers, 84 assistant regional officers, and 6 senior census officers involved in to EC2011.

The total budget for the EC2011 is US$3.26 million including US$2.78 million got support from JICA,US$ 0.54 million got support from counterpart and US$0.48 million from the Royal Government of Cambodia, he added.

Based on the result, the response rate which from small and medium enterprise almost 100% and 96% from large establishments. “It is a great success and unprecedented high response rate for the economic census surveys in the country so far, as well as in the ASEAN region.”

He stressed that the results of the economic census will provide the current situation of the economy of all sectors and provide data for economic analysis, compilation of national accounts and to fulfill the requirements of data in macroeconomic domain and to provide establishment based indicators.

The indicators resulted from EC2011 are including total number of establishments for the whole country, establishment by municipality and provinces, establishment density, establishments per 1000 persons, establishment per 1000 households, number of establishments by size of persons engaged as micro establishments, small establishments, medium establishments and large scale establishments with 101 persons engaged by industry, number of persons engaged by sex and employment status, financial report, annual revenue and expenses report, total amount of fixed assets at the end of the year and so on.

2011 Economic Census is the first economic census in Cambodia in which collected information from all establishments located in territory of the Kingdom of Cambodia that held from March 1 to March 31, according to the 2005 Statistics Law and Sub-decree on EC 2011 of the Kingdom of Cambodia.

Source: The Southeast Asia Weekly, August 21-27, 2011, Vol. 5, Issue 34, Page 10

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