Sunday, April 22, 2012

Clean Water Network Extension Underway in Kampong Thom Province

Clean water is very important for sustaining a healthy quality of life. The Royal Government of Cambodia has set the country’s Cambodian Millennium Development Goals which are in line with world MDGs. Water supply and sanitation are part of the CMDGs as the they clearly state that at least 80 percent of the urban population will have a clean water supply and 74 percent will have sanitation facilities by 2015.

In Kampong Thom province, there are three water supply authorities: Kampong Thom Water authority, and water supply authorities in Stoung and Taing Krasaing districts.
Currently, the Kampong Thom Water Supply Authority’s coverage of its area is 40 percent; the water supply authority in Stoung district’s coverage is 63 percent; and the water supply authority in Taing Krasaing has coverage of 32 percent.

According to Gnek Kuthea, who’s with the Kampong Thom Provincial Department of Industry, Mines and Energy, one of big challenges for the water supply in that province is the water network needs to be extended to areas with the highest demand for water, especially in the downtown area.

To be continued...

Source: Economics Today, Feb 20-26, 2012

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