Sunday, April 22, 2012

ACMES to Boost Trade Activity in Region

In an attempt at promoting trade within the region to strengthen trade cooperation as well as achieve the goal of establishing the ASEAN Economic Community in 2015, Ayeyawady Chao Phraya Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (ACMES) is trying to boost trade activity in the region.

ACMES consists of five ASEAN member countries Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. The aim is to bridge the economic gap among the member countries, and to promote prosperity in the sub-region in a sustainable manner. “Such prosperity will not only benefit the five countries, but also add value to ASEAN and its solidarity,” said Commerce Minister Cham Prasidh, Cambodian Minister of Ministry of Commerce.

The economic cooperation framework the “ACMECS” was originally established in November 2003 in Bagan, Myanmar where leaders from Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand adopted the Bagan Declaration to affirm the commitment to cooperate in five priority areas of cooperation, and endorsed the Economic Cooperation Strategy Plan of Action, under which 46 common projects and 224 bilateral projects were listed for implementation over 10 years.

To be continued...

Source: Economics Today, Issue 105-106, Jan 30-Feb 12, 2012

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