Sunday, June 3, 2012

Super Stalks

Bamboo could be basis for sustainable industry

Bamboo, one of the world’s fastest-growing plants, is used extensively in many parts of Asia for everything from food to musical instruments and furniture. But according to organizers of a recent conference on bamboo’s potential, the plant could form the basis of a sustainable and multifaceted industry, providing everything from materials for construction to fibers for the Kingdom’s garment industry and acting as a powerful weapon in the fight against climate change.

and traditionally, indigenous communities have made wide use of this largest member of the grass family for the construction of floating houses, or pens for aquaculture and livestock, according to Jeevanandhan Duraisamy, a climate change officer with UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and a speaker at the Bamboo Green Growth and Carbon Finance Conference in Phnom Penh.

Most fishing nets used in the Tonle Sap River are made using bamboo while Cambodians have long employed the material in cooking or building grain storage structures and fencing. Traditionally, ladders and furniture have been made with bamboo; it has also been burnt as fuel.

For more information, please visit
or Economics Today Magazine, Issue 119

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