Sunday, June 3, 2012

Giving them a fair shake

The Fair Trade certification aims to improve the status of producers in Cambodia

For Men Sinoeun, executive director of the Artisans’ Association of Cambodia, the problems facing craftspeople, artisans and small-scale producers in the country are many—they do not enjoy legal protections, market access or subsidies offered by some other countries. Their incomes are usually low and they often work in conditions that are poor, at best.

That is why his group is strongly promoting Fair Trade, a certification system that aims to ensure that producers receive a fair price for their products and that they adopt social and environmental standards which are sustainable. Products with the World Fair Trade Organization label are supposed to meet 10 principles, including fair trading practices, fair price, no child or forced labor, good working conditions, etc. On May 11, his group hosted an event to promote the Fair Trade to more producers and organizations in Cambodia.

For more information, please visit
or Economics Today Magazine, Issue 120

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