Tuesday, April 24, 2012

French Government Provides US$4.5 million to Support Rice Trade

The Royal Government of Cambodia and the French Government signed a partnership agreement on Feb 22 that provided 3.5 million euro (equal to roughly US$4.5 million) to support the trade of Cambodia’s rice. The agreement aims to maximize the incomes of the producers as part of the national strategy to boost rice exports.
The grant aid was signed by Aun Porn Moniroth, Economic Adviser to Prime Minister Hun Sen and Secretary of State of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, French Ambassador Christian Connan and Andre Pouilles-Duplaix, Director of French Development Agency (AFD) in Cambodia.

Aun Porn Moniroth said that the project will be implemented from 2012-2015 in an attempt to improve people’s livelihoods in rural areas through the development of the rice trade. It will contribute to the rice sector’s development in Cambodia through organizing exporters’ structures, capacity-building of the relevant players, setting up and developing quality standards on the international market, promoting contract farming, and building the capacity of the Rural Development Bank, which allows it to fully play its role as a financial intermediary and answer to the financial needs of the rice sector.

To be continued...

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