Sunday, April 22, 2012

300 Cambodian Students to Study in Australia

About 300 Cambodian students including 160 self-funded students departed to study in Australia in 2011. As Australia has become a popular destination for Cambodian students, the numbers of private-funded Cambodian students rapidly increase over the last five years.

“This signification increase is a result of many reasons including the high quality of Australian education, a globally recognized and respected qualification, the friendliness of Australia’s multicultural society, the geographic to Cambodia, it moderate climate and its safe environment,” H.E. Penny Richards, Australian Ambassador to Cambodia.

The National Survey of International Students Studying in Australia showed that the majority of international students were either satisfied with living and study experience in Australia as the reasons: the quality of teaching, reputation of qualification, personal safety and reputation of institution.

More than 85 percent of the students surveyed were also satisfied with the level of support on their arrival, confirming Australia’s reputation as a country that welcomes international students.

The increasing students to study in Australia, both Cambodia and Australia receive enormous benefit. “Cambodia is able to increase the pool of talented human resources who can drive Cambodia’s continued economic development,” Richard stressed.

Cambodian graduates from Australian educational institutions now work in diverse fields, including health, gender and development, social services, agriculture, fisheries, environmental management, rural development, urban development, law and justice, public financial management, banking, information technology, and infrastructure.

The notable of increasing private-funded Cambodian students to Australia since 2005, but it signification increase last five year as three fold increase, Heang Chanveasna, Deputy Office Manager of IDP (Education) Cambodia said. “Last year, most of Cambodian students went to study in high school level in Australia while some of them also study short course, bachelor degree, master degree and doctor degree.” The payment is depend on level, areas, and school they study as studying bachelor degree in Australia need to spend average around US$15,000-20,000 for school fees and other US$15,000-20,000 for living, he added.

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