Friday, February 17, 2012

Czech Republic offers CZK 500,000 to WTO training programme for developing countries

The Czech Republic on January 25 has donated CZK 500,000 (about US$26,306) to the WTO Global Trust Fund.

This donation will finance technical assistance programmes and training activities for developing and least developed countries with the aim of enhancing their ability to participate effectively in the WTO negotiations and ensure they fully benefit from the results achieved during these negotiations.
“I welcome this new donation which demonstrates the Czech Republic continuous commitment to help developing countries fully benefit from the multilateral trading system” declared WTO Director General Pascal Lamy.
The Czech Republic Ambassador Kateřina Sequensová stated that “this donation is a concrete demonstration of the Czech Republic’s continuous support to developing countries in better understanding the WTO rules, with the aim of expanding their trading activities and making trade a tool for growth, development and poverty reduction”.

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