Thursday, March 17, 2011

The impact of Japanese Grant aid and ODA Load in Cambodia

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (03 March 2011)

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Cambodia Office and the Embassy of Japan co-organized the ODA Press Tour program, aimed at introducing and promoting the Japan ODA performance in Cambodia amidst the local media, which hold on February 2011 in Phnom Penh and Kampong Cham Province. Ms. Endo Kumiko, Japanese actress also joins this event with with a view to further understanding of Japan's assistance to Cambodia in the case of project implementation.

Official Development Assistant (ODA) has been implemented in Cambodia since the end of two decades. Since 1991, the government of Japan began to provide ODA loan and grant aid to strengthen the Cambodia-Japan friendship and cooperation to help Cambodia improve infrastructure and promote economic development in Cambodia.

The Japan’s ODA focus on four main areas: realization of sustainable economic growth and a stable society, support for the society vulnerable, addressing global issues and redressing intra-ASEAN disparities.

Iwai Masaaki, Representative of JICA, said that this is fifth times that JICA organized such event. He said, "In the future, Japan is not providing government assistance, but also the relationship the two countries so that more Japanese companies will invest in Cambodia, and to strengthen the bilateral cooperation between the matters as a new topic."

He motioned that from 2005 to 2009, the government of Japan through JICA provide 31.29 billion yen of ODA loan, 138.31 billion yen of grant aid and 55.50 billion yen of technical cooperation to Cambodia.

Through ODA loan, Phnom Penh Water Supply is rapidly developing and has the ability almost all over Phnom Penh. Dr. Ing Chea Visoth, Assistant General Director Procurement and training of Phnom Penh Water Supply, said that valuable assistance provided by the Government of Japan lead Phnom Penh water supply be self-financing and self-governing. Now it has 21000 customers with water supply coverage about 90% in Phnom Penh.

The next site to visit Kampong Cham Hospital, which is also Japanese grant aid program. Dr. Meas Chea, Director of Champong Cham Hospital, said that a total 4,613.2 square meters were constructed under the Japanese grant aid such as Obstetrics/Gynecology and Surgery Ward, Operation Theater, emergency/imaging bldg, and Mechanical Badge. As the result of this project, “The Kampong Cham’s living standard and public health is improving,” he added.

He continued the hospital has 261 beds, an average of 300 a day patient, so it needs to add more bed outside. In 2010, there were 16,015 patients hospitalized in this hospital, which show the important role in the Province.

To ensure the education in Kampong Cham, Japan have provided grant aid to construct Kampong Cham Regional Teacher Training Center, which cost 93,500 U.S. dollars. This one story science laboratory provided an improved education facility for 203 science students, who then will provide science education of higher quality of Kampong Cham, Kampong Thom and Kratie, where as much as 107,000 students are expected to receive improved science education, Mr. Iwai Masaaki said.

The last visiting of the trip was Memut district, which is project on rural drinking water supply that support by Japanese grant aid. “There are 510 wells were conducted in Menut district, which one well cost US$10,000” Mr. Iwai Massaki mentioned.

“After have well with hand pump in village, all people can enjoy drinking safe water and no more illness happen in the village, so that the living standard in my village is improving”, said Neay Saron, Chairman of Kamtouy village.

By S L (Vol. 5, Issue 10, SEAW)

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