Thursday, March 17, 2011

Training Course for Sport Coaches in Cambodia

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (05 March 2011)

The National Training Sport Training Sport Center in cooperation with National Olympic Committee of Cambodia (NOCC) has organized a training course on preparation of teaching plan and training theory for national selected coaches in Cambodia on March, 02-04 at the National Stadium in Phnom Penh.

The training course aims to improve and develop the ability and knowledge in preparing, implementing and evaluating sport teaching plan for national selected athletes. It is also aim to provide new sport theories to all coaches so that it will be easy to teach their students to improve their ability and skills in competition.

Mr. Ouk Sethcheat, President of the National Sport Training Center, said that this course organize for coaches, assistant coaches, arbitrators and sport officers to prepare, to lead, to control and to evaluate national selected athlete’s performance and training activities.

He added that 77 coaches, assistant coaches, arbitrators and sport officers come from 21 federations and National Sport Training Center official attended this training course.

This training course will contribute to promote the quality and effectiveness of selected coach’s teaching ability and knowledge as well as performance and training activities of athletes in term of technical standard. Through these activities, the achievement and performance of athletes in joining SEA Games, which also international competition, will be greater than before.

He believe that all coaches will be able to learn all lessons in this training course with new techniques in order to share experience to each other in implementing training lesson plan successfully and get more medals for nation in upcoming 26th SEA Games in Indonesia, which held on November 11 to 25, 2011.

H.E. Bun Sok, Secretary General of Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, said that this training course is very important for all coaches to learn new knowledge in terms of sport science to prepare lessons for athletes by transferring theory to real practice, which can be applied in real situation in an effective way. The hard work of all coaches will contribute to developing honorary and prestige of the country on the international stage.

He mentioned that the training course divided into two main sections: preparation of training plan and implementing training plan.

In three days of training course, there are eight lessons for all coaches to learn. One of them is “Preparation of training program master plan” lesson presented by Mr. Ouk Sethcheat. Three lessons comprise the following are “Preparation of training program detail plan”, “Training Coach” and “Stress Management “presented by Mr. Vath Chamrouem, Secretary General of NOCC. Three other lessons included “Understanding the body in Motion”, “Diet and Nutrition” and “Fair Play” presented by Mr. Kav Sareth, Vice president of National Sport Training Center. The last lesson, “Primary Rescue” presented by Dr. StrangnChea, Director of Sport Health Committee in line of NOCC.

The investment of Japan in Cambodia

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (03 March 2011)

In view of Cambodia's political stability, liberal investment policies and potential advantages of a huge labor force, Japan is seeking to increase its investment in Cambodia in order to tap into Cambodia's most favored investment strategies. Recently, investment from Japan is increasing from year to year in Cambodia.

Mr. Juji Imamura, Investment Environment Improvement Advisor of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and a Japanese Investment Expert, said that Japanese government is encouraging Japanese companies to invest in Cambodia and also helping increase Japanese investment in Cambodia since Japanese investment is far behind investment of other foreign countries.

According to the Cambodian Development Council (CDC), data show that, compared to other foreign countries investment, Japanese investment in Cambodia is less than one percent, and it is far behind from other foreign countries investment even thought the amount of investment has increase from year to year. From 1994 to 2003, Japanese investment was topped out at 14 percent in amount of US$20 million, which comes to 7,404 total investments. Afterward, the investment rapidly grew from US$2.2 million in 2004 to US$113.1 million in 2007. For that time till now, US$148 million from Japan was invested in Cambodia.

Currently, Japan has become 12th largest investor in Cambodia. Others are China (US$7,719 million), South Korea (US$3,894 million), Malaysia (US$2,379 million, EU (US$1,402 million), U.S.A (US$1,140 million), Taiwan (US$766 million), Thailand (US$746 million), Singapore (US$636 million), Vietnam (US$580 million), Hong Kong (US$310 million and Israel (US$304 million.).

Mr. Imamura said that in order to not lag behind other countries in Japan, the Japanese government start encourage Japanese companies to invest in Cambodia. “In the future, Japan is not only provide aid, but also suggest to more Japanese companies to invest in Cambodia, and also strengthen the bilateral cooperation between both countries.”

He continued to say that a total of 34 Japanese companies invested in Cambodia at the end of last year, covering areas such as food processing, clothing, footwear, and motorcycles industry. In addition, under the Japanese government's encouragement, over a hundred Japanese companies have come to Cambodia to visit in the first 2 months, and expressed interest in investment in Cambodia. As a result, 17 companies have decided to invest in Cambodia with a total estimated investment
amount of more than 100 million U.S. dollars. It shows the intention of Japan to expand investment in Cambodia.

He optimistically said, “As more and more Japanese companies to invest in Cambodia, I believe the next few years, Japan, China, South Korea and the United States and other countries will become the largest investor in Cambodia”

He noted that there are more than 200 Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in Vietnam, which has more than 1200 companies, but Cambodia has only 21 SEZ. Therefore, Cambodia needs to continue create more SEZ to attract more investors to Cambodia.

Mr. Hiroshi Uematsu said that 10 Japanese Companies among 27 companies already invested in Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone (PPSEZ). They are Tiger Wing, Clean Circle, Ajinomoto Cambodia, Haru Phnom Penh Comic Center, Dischells Cambodia, FST PP, Minebea, Proceeding Cambodia, O & M Cambodia and Yamaha Motor.

He told the Southeast Asia Weekly that more than 10 Japanese companies expected to invest in PPSEZ this year. They are mainly electrical and mechanical assemblers. “All of them feel secured and confident in invest in Cambodia as well as PPSEZ”. Among them, two famous Japanese companies invest in Cambodia: Yamaha Motor is already ongoing factory construction and Minebea will start construction operation in April.

He added that quality infrastructure and management of PPSEZ is the main factor to attract Japanese investor to invest in Cambodia.

Mr. Ichiro Nishimura, President of Ajinomoto (Cambodia) Co., Ltd, said that his company has invested 6 million U.S. dollars for the construction of the packaging plant and installation of packaging equipment.
He continued that Cambodia market is 2,000 tons MSG of monthly demand, but his company sales is nearly 1,000 tons average monthly sales. He believes that his company becomes the lead GMS Company in the future.

He mention that Cambodia environment investment is good such as law, benefit and tax holiday. “It is one of best country to invest and run business”. He optimistically said his company can expand business in coming short time.

In investing in Cambodia, there are also some problems, which are the barrier of investor to invest in Cambodia. Mr. Imamura explained that investment in Cambodia is not widely publicizing the information, in which many Japanese companies do not know Cambodia’s investment environment. One more reason is electricity prices are still high, pushing up the cost of production that lead products cannot compete within countries.

He continued that current legal regulations in Cambodia is gradually improving, social stability, infrastructure construction accelerated, the countries offer investors new opportunities and challenges. However, he admits, although with great potential for investment in Cambodia, but Cambodia's investment information is not extensive and costly power problems, which restricts the Japanese investors to invest in Cambodia.

He called on the Cambodian government attaches importance role to improve these issues in order to attract more Japanese investors to invest to develop country.

The impact of Japanese Grant aid and ODA Load in Cambodia

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (03 March 2011)

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Cambodia Office and the Embassy of Japan co-organized the ODA Press Tour program, aimed at introducing and promoting the Japan ODA performance in Cambodia amidst the local media, which hold on February 2011 in Phnom Penh and Kampong Cham Province. Ms. Endo Kumiko, Japanese actress also joins this event with with a view to further understanding of Japan's assistance to Cambodia in the case of project implementation.

Official Development Assistant (ODA) has been implemented in Cambodia since the end of two decades. Since 1991, the government of Japan began to provide ODA loan and grant aid to strengthen the Cambodia-Japan friendship and cooperation to help Cambodia improve infrastructure and promote economic development in Cambodia.

The Japan’s ODA focus on four main areas: realization of sustainable economic growth and a stable society, support for the society vulnerable, addressing global issues and redressing intra-ASEAN disparities.

Iwai Masaaki, Representative of JICA, said that this is fifth times that JICA organized such event. He said, "In the future, Japan is not providing government assistance, but also the relationship the two countries so that more Japanese companies will invest in Cambodia, and to strengthen the bilateral cooperation between the matters as a new topic."

He motioned that from 2005 to 2009, the government of Japan through JICA provide 31.29 billion yen of ODA loan, 138.31 billion yen of grant aid and 55.50 billion yen of technical cooperation to Cambodia.

Through ODA loan, Phnom Penh Water Supply is rapidly developing and has the ability almost all over Phnom Penh. Dr. Ing Chea Visoth, Assistant General Director Procurement and training of Phnom Penh Water Supply, said that valuable assistance provided by the Government of Japan lead Phnom Penh water supply be self-financing and self-governing. Now it has 21000 customers with water supply coverage about 90% in Phnom Penh.

The next site to visit Kampong Cham Hospital, which is also Japanese grant aid program. Dr. Meas Chea, Director of Champong Cham Hospital, said that a total 4,613.2 square meters were constructed under the Japanese grant aid such as Obstetrics/Gynecology and Surgery Ward, Operation Theater, emergency/imaging bldg, and Mechanical Badge. As the result of this project, “The Kampong Cham’s living standard and public health is improving,” he added.

He continued the hospital has 261 beds, an average of 300 a day patient, so it needs to add more bed outside. In 2010, there were 16,015 patients hospitalized in this hospital, which show the important role in the Province.

To ensure the education in Kampong Cham, Japan have provided grant aid to construct Kampong Cham Regional Teacher Training Center, which cost 93,500 U.S. dollars. This one story science laboratory provided an improved education facility for 203 science students, who then will provide science education of higher quality of Kampong Cham, Kampong Thom and Kratie, where as much as 107,000 students are expected to receive improved science education, Mr. Iwai Masaaki said.

The last visiting of the trip was Memut district, which is project on rural drinking water supply that support by Japanese grant aid. “There are 510 wells were conducted in Menut district, which one well cost US$10,000” Mr. Iwai Massaki mentioned.

“After have well with hand pump in village, all people can enjoy drinking safe water and no more illness happen in the village, so that the living standard in my village is improving”, said Neay Saron, Chairman of Kamtouy village.

By S L (Vol. 5, Issue 10, SEAW)

Under 18 Wrestling Championship Tournament organized in Cambodia

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (02 March 2011) 

The Cambodia Wrestling Federation has organized the Youth-under 18 Wrestling Championship Tournament for two days on February 26-27 at the National Stadium in Phnom Penh.

81 wrestling players including eight female players across Cambodia have attended competition for the Youth-under 18 Wrestling Champion. As the result, eight athletes received gold medals, eight athletes received silver medals and other 16 athletes received bronze medals of the Youth-under 18 Wrestling Championship Tournament 2011 in Cambodia.

The organizing of competition is aiming to promote and develop the sport as well as to select the best wrestling players for the future national and international wrestling tournament in Cambodia and abroad especially for joining upcoming 26th SEA Games in Indonesia. It is also a good opportunity for all youth wrestling players to show their ability, talent, skill and technique in this competition. Through completion, all youth wrestling players are able to learn knowledge, skill and technique of Cambodia wrestling from each other.

Mr. Vath Chamroeun, secretary general of the National Olympic Committee of Cambodia, said that it is the first time for Cambodia as well as Cambodia Wrestling Federation to host youth-under 18 wrestling championship tournament in Cambodia. “All youth wrestling athletes need to be work hard and patient in training in order to be successful wrestling players and achieve good result”

Mr. Casey Barnett, Managing Director of ACCA and CAT training center and sponsor of Youth-under 18 Wrestling Championship Tournament said he is very happy to see youth-under 18 wrestling championship tournament has held in Cambodia. As his life, he used to be wrestling athlete and do love wrestling. He hopes Cambodia wrestling will join SEA Games and get best result. He also wishes to see this competition will hold again next time.

Mr. Hok Chheang Kim, Director Technical of Cambodia Wrestling Federation, said that the organizing of Youth-under 18 Wrestling Championship Tournament was sponsored by Mr. Casey Barnett on transportation, settlement and food of participants. For other financial support is from Cambodia Wrestling Federation members.

According to report of Youth-under 18 Wrestling Championship Tournament, there are 74 tournaments, which divided into male wrestling competition and female wrestling competition. As competition, there are eight age and weight categories including 46 kilogram (male), 50 kilogram (male), 54 kilogram (male), 58 kilogram (male), 63 kilogram (male), 69 kilogram (male), free weight and age (male) and free weight and age (female).

In the competition, there are seven association and clubs attend the event: Ministry of Interior association (Phnom Penh), Reachproek club (Phnom Penh), Vihearsouk club (Kadal), Thmomkev club (Pursat), Kting Meanrith club (Kampong Chhnang), Rity Sen association (Kampong Chhnang), and Svaypur club (Kampong Cham).

At the end of competition, three association and clubs get champion. The first place is Vihearsouk club, which got two gold medals, two silver medals and five bronze medals with 300 dollars. The second place is Rithy Sen club, which got two gold medals, two silver medals and one bronze with 250 dollars. The third place is Ministry of Interior association, which got two gold medals, one silver medal and one bronze with 200$.

By S L (Vol. 5, Issue 10, SEAW)

Friday, March 4, 2011

National Tennis Championship tournament 2011

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (01 March 2011)

A total of 115 tennis players included 19 female players from eight associations and clubs in Cambodia have participated in the National Tennis Championship tournament 2011 over eight days from the February 21-28 at National Stadium, Phnom Penh to challenge to become the tennis champion for 2011 in Cambodia.

National Tennis Championship tournament 2011 is organized by the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport in collaboration with the Cambodia Tennis Federation.

Mr. Tuy Bunhoeun, Chief of the Mondern Sport Office in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, said that every year the Ministry has organized the national tennis championship tournament 2011 in Cambodia in order to select the best players of the year. After selected, they will send to National sport training center to train.

He continued to say that tennis championship is aiming to promote and develop the sport as well as to select the best players for the future national and international tennis tournament in Cambodia and abroad.

By S.L

10th ASEAN Taekwondo Championship held in Cambodia

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (27 February 2011)

Cambodian will take a role of host country to launch 10th ASEAN Taekwondo Championship on April 7-9 at National Stadium, Phnom Penh. This event will be organized by Cambodia Taekwondo Federation (CTF) in cooperation with the National Olympic Committee of Cambodia (NOCC).

The purpose of competition is to rehearsal for the 26th SEA Games. It is also to share experience and technique for each other with strengthening the taekwondo sport in Cambodia.

Mr. Hem Samnang, Secretary General of Cambodia Taekwondo Federation and Deputy Secretary General of NOCC said that initiative of organizing this event in Cambodia is coming from ASEAN Taekwondo Federation and getting support from Vietnam Taekwondo Federation.

Mr. Kris Wiluan, President of ASEAN Taekwondo Federation (ATF), said that if Cambodia organizes 10th ATF Taekwondo Championship in Cambodia, ASEAN Taekwondo Federation will help to organize both support technique and finance.

In this event, eight ASEAN countries will be participated such as Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

Since the Cambodia Taekwondo Federation establish in 1970, Cambodia never host such kind of international event. “It is the great time and first time of us, also our history, to open a new page of international Taekwondo competition in Cambodia.”Adding to that, “I hope that this event will be organized successfully”

By S.L (Vol.5, Issue 9, SEAW)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Cambodia Opens Regular Season for Baseball

Kampong Thom, Cambodia (25 February 2011)
Cambodian baseball players prepare for opening Regular Season

Cambodian National Baseball Team (CNBT) of Cambodia baseball Federation (CBAF) organized Opening Regular Season of the 2011 CNBT on February 25 in Balaingk Sport Complex, Balaingk District, Kampong Thom province to change new page for baseball in Cambodia.

The main goal of this event is to improve quality of playing in the international competition such as the upcoming 26th SEA Games to be held in Indonesia this November 11-25. This event also aim to introduce the game and league to the people in Cambodia and around the world that Cambodia do play professional baseball league; to promote and increase the number of baseball players, participants, volunteers, and fans in Cambodia to learn and play the game as well as the excitement in the sport of baseball, to provide the unique tools to educate the baseball game for people in Cambodia that the sport of baseball can be as fun as any other sports in Cambodia and giving the passion and the loves of the game to the children t over Cambodia through our regular season games.

Mr. Joe Cook, president of CBAF said that the Opening Regular Season is the first time in Cambodia Baseball history of Cambodia, which has the opening regular season in Khmer professional baseball league.

He noted that since 2003 to 2010, Cambodia has no baseball regular season, but it is not really a Khmer professional league. It was just a short term of baseball league. He continued that CNBT will play two leagues in 2011 regular season: first term and final term. The first term starts from February to April, which has 38 games. For the final term, it starts from June to August, which has 45 games.

Two national terms included South National team and North national team participated in this event. These baseball athletes come from all over country especially Bonteay Meanchey, Svey, Kompong Thom, Kampong Cham, Siem Reap, Kampong Chhang and Phnom Penh,” he said.

Through events that CBAF created National Baseball Competition such as Cambodian Little League Tournament, All Stars, CNBT Championship, Baseball Clinic and many events since 2003-2010 with opening regular season, “I expected that the baseball athlete’s quality will be able to challenge in the SEA Game of Third Place or better and Cambodia ranking in the world top 40 teams,” he said. “I hope that school and communities begin their interest of involvement with baseball program by the end of this year, while it hoped that children starting to ask their parent to take them to our baseball game, or clinic.”

After opening regular reason on February 25 to April 20, CNBT will launch CNBT Championship on April 22, 23, and 24.

By S.L (Vol.5, Issue 9, SEAW)