Wednesday, February 1, 2012

New Zealand Assists Education Development in Cambodia

As education is a major factor when it comes to boosting a country’s development, New Zealand is assisting in the development of education in Cambodia as part of an overall attempt at boosting economic development and the bilateral relationship between Cambodia and New Zealand.

Over the last five years, New Zealand has invested over US$5.5 million in human resources development in Cambodia.

With New Zealand’s support, five senior Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials successfully completed the Senior English Language Training Programme in New Zealand in 2011.

In 2012, 12 Cambodians were awarded opportunities to undertake postgraduate studies in New Zealand while 10 students with the English Language Training Official (ELTO) program departed to study at the beginning of 2012. Moreover, 25 Cambodians have commenced English language training in Cambodia in order to undertake the New Zealand ASEAN Scholarship (NZAS) in New Zealand in 2013. The NZAS scheme assists citizens of ASEAN countries including Cambodia to gain relevant knowledge, skills, and qualifications in priority development sectors such as agriculture, economic development, business, disaster risk management, tourism and renewable energy in which the long-standing ELTO program provides 20 places per year for Cambodian government officials to study English.

Fore more information, please visit

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