Friday, February 17, 2012

Netherlands offers US$5.06 million to training for least-developed countries

The Netherlands on February 6 has donated EUR 3.9 million (approximately equal to US$5.06 million) to the Netherlands Trainee Programme (NTP) for the period 2012-2015.

Launched in March 2005, The Netherlands Trainee Programme aims at providing junior public officials from least-developed countries, the opportunity to learn about trade related issues and to develop their knowledge of trade policy, while working for the WTO. After up to 10 months of WTO internship, the trainees go back to their ministries and contribute to the strengthening of their countries’ institutional capacity. Particular attention is given to African countries.

“I welcome this new donation which demonstrates The Netherlands continuous commitment to help developing countries fully benefit from the multilateral trading system” declared WTO Director General Pascal Lamy.

The Dutch Minister for Development and Cooperation, Ben Knapen, stated that “The Netherlands has decided to renew and further enhance the arrangement governing its Trainee Program. This donation is a concrete demonstration of The Netherlands continuous support to developing and least developed countries in better understanding the WTO rules, with the aim of expanding their trading activities and making trade work as a tool for growth, development and poverty reduction”.

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