Tuesday, November 29, 2011

ASEAN Fun Run for Greener Space Hosts in Phnom Penh

By Sok Lak

Environmental issue have became a common problem around the world since recently, ASEAN has called for “a clean and green” ASEAN with fully established mechanisms for sustainable development to ensure the protection of the region’s environment, the sustainability of its natural resources and the high quality of life of its people as it is ASEAN’s vision for 2020. To contribute to protecting the environment and to commemorate the establishment of ASEAN, 433 students from various universities in Phnom Penh participate in the ASEAN Fun-Run for a greener space hosted by a group around 50 students comes from University of Cambodia (UC) mostly in College of Management leading by Lecturer Gina Lopz.

The ASEAN Fun-Run was held under the theme: “We Run For A Greener Space” on October 23 at Diamond Island in Phnom Penh. Saya Molika, a team leader of the ASEAN Fun-Run Committee said: “It is very great to see a lot of people join this event. It allowed them to learn how to serve the needs of the community and society and serve each other among the team by directly involving them and carry out the intention of the program.

H.E. Kao Kim Hourn, President of UC, said: “The event is important not only to ensure a healthy life for participants, but also to expand the knowledge of people to understand deeply in ASEAN since in the next year, Cambodia will be the chairman of ASEAN.”

“One more important thing is that the event will work in conjunction with the ASEAN vision 2020: a clean and green ASEAN and allow public people as well as students to understand more about environmental issues.”

Yun Davy, one organizer in charge of external relations in the ASEAN Fun Run said: “To celebrate the ASEAN Fun Run is the hope of alerting the public with awareness on the environment issue which is one of the hot issues that happens not only in Cambodia or ASEAN, but across the whole world.”

There are 12 sponsoring companies including Rattanak hospital supporting ambulance servicing, nurses, and doctors, KSK (Khemserei Italian Jewelry) with support from hand sanitizer-600 bottles, United Pharma giving US$500 cash and US$527 in products, Yamaha giving US$800, Canadia Bank giving US$600, Smart Mobile for 100 T-shirts, 600 key chains and 100 caps, Eurotech for 75 boxes of pure drinking water, PBC for US$125 in cash and 20 packages of products, DBD Engineering giving 200$ in cash, Bacchus Energy drink giving 500 cans, Amret Microfinance Institute giving 100 T-shirts and 100 caps, and Koh Pich providing the Venue for the event.

“As we are students of the University of Cambodia would like to say thank to all participants, especially to all the main sponsors who support us for both financial and help with social events. If we do not have all of these sponsors, this event could not happen as well,” the statement from the organizer said.

As the result of the ASEAN Fun-Run, there are six winners which divided into two categories, male and female. In the male categories, Sok Mongdara achieved 17:14:25 and won first place in the race and won a gold medal with some gifts from sponsors.

Ung SokKhim achieved 17:58:10 and got a silver medal with some gifts from sponsors and Srun Panhavoat achieved 19:01:00 and got a bronze medal for third place and some gifts from sponsors.

For the female categories, Chea Sophanha achieved 30:10:00 to be first place and won a gold medal and some gifts, Yous Somnith achieved 30:11:06 with a second place finish, winning a silver medal and some gifts, and Pich Bopha achieved 32:20:00 winning third place with a bronze medal and some gifts.

“I am very excited and unbelievably became the winner of the ASEAN Fun-Run. As I have liked running since I was child, I hope everyone else will also like running and joining social activities like this,” said Chea Sopanha, 18, a female student who studies at institute of foreign language in Phnom Penh “This event is not only for health but also supports the sports sector in Cambodia, reminds us to protect the environment,” she stressed. “I like to join this kind of event and do it not only to make me happy, but also, I can contribute to the effort to help society as well as protect the environment,” Ung Sokkim, 22, a male student from UC said.

Source: The Southeast Asia Weekly, October 30-November 5, 2011, Vol. 5, Issue 44, Page 12

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