Friday, September 9, 2011

Indonesian Embassy Marks Independence Day in Phnom Penh

By Sok Lak

An Indonesia flag was at the Indonesia Embassy to Cambodia in Phnom on August 18 to mark the 66th Independence Day of Republic of Indonesia and move toward the ASEAN Community 2015.

It is 66 years of Indonesia independent day since the declaration of proclamation in 17 August 1945 after fighting against the force of the Netherlands who colonized Indonesia nearly 300 years which from 1596 to 1942.

Soehardjoin Satromihadjo, Indonesian Ambassador to Cambodia, said that Indonesia colony under the Netherlands many years and the country gets independence form Netherlands since 1945.

He stressed that the relationship between Cambodia and Indonesia is very well and it is close as brothers. As in 1991, Indonesia is the co-chairman to seek peace for Cambodia and involve solving Cambodia-Thailand border conflict. “In the law of Indonesia stated that the country as well as people is committee together to create peace for all people around the world so that Indonesia put their effort to help Cambodia to seek for peace.”

He continued that the trade between two countries is on progress as the annual growth rate between 10 to 12 percent. He will try to continue to maintain this growth rate.

As Cambodia is rice exporter and Indonesia is rice purchaser, Indonesia planed to buy a lot of rice from Cambodia last year, but Cambodia cannot meet the request. He mentioned that the demand of rice export to Indonesia is about 70 million tons, so he hoped Indonesia companies are intersected in investing Cambodia to promote rice export.

Some Indonesia companies invested in Cambodia such as real estate, medical and other small companies. One of the big Indonesia Company in Cambodia is Grand Phnom Penh which invests in real estate.

The Government of Cambodia and Indonesia has signed two agreements related to Visa-free, so he believed that the direct fight between Cambodia and Indonesia will open in the near future. “It is not only strengthening the bilateral trade cooperation, but also promote bilateral tourism sector to develop both countries.

Source: The Southeast Asia Weekly, August 21-27, 2011, Vol. 5, Issue 34, Page 5

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