Monday, January 31, 2011

ASEAN Tourism Forum Held in Cambodia

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (19 January 2011)

The ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) 2011 has held on January 15-21 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The theme of this year’s forum, “ASEAN: A World of Wonders and Diversity,” captures the region’s richness and diverse resources which help to attract tourists. More than 466 international buyers and more than 1000 sellers with 511 booths attended the forum, which was open by Samdech Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia.

 At the official opening, Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Prime Minister HUN SEN stated that ATF is a large event in the region that provides a great opportunity for stakeholders in tourism industry to gather and share ideas, which helps in developing a strategic plan to attract in developing a strategic plan to attract more tourists to ASEAN region.

“It should be noted that ASEAN is seen a captivating and highly competitive tourist destination for development, based on the uniqueness of its potentials and diversity of historical cultural relics and tremendous natural resources, as well as the joint efforts in tourism development for the common interest of our ASEAN as a whole,” he said.

He also stated that ASEAN economy has been resilient and that ASEAN tourism grew of approximately ten percentages in the year 2010, as economies have started to recover around the world. Intra-ASEAN tourism constitution roughly 45 percent of the 65 million total tourist arrivals in ASEAN and has play vital role in accelerating intra-ASEAN economic activities.

“I would like to highly appreciate the pivotal role of tourism sector which has effectively and efficiently contributed to promote regional needs and export, which is the factor to promote macro-economic growth, social development and poverty alleviation.”, he remarked. Tourism is also considered as an effective tool toward solving the problems being faced by the world such as climate change, in which tourism industry causes least carbon emission (CO2).  Therefore, sustainable tourism development is playing key role in ensuring development toward building green economy.

“The ASEAN Tourism Forum 2011 is indeed a sign of new success for Cambodia,” said H.E Thong Khon, Cambodian Minister of Ministry of Tourism.

He noted that several meetings took place during the forum, including the ASEAN National Tourism Organization (NTOs) meeting, ASEAN NTOs plus Three meeting, ASEAN NTOs plus Indian meeting, ASEAN NTOs plus Russian meeting, ASEAN Tourism Ministers meeting, ASEAN Tourism Ministers plus Three meeting and the Greater Mekong Sub-Region (GMS) meeting.

Many important results were achieved in these meetings, H.E. Thong Khon said. For example, the Tourism Ministers have adopted an important strategic document, the  “ASEASN Tourism Development Strategy Plan 2011-2015,” aims to develop ASEAN tourism. The goals include developing the region to be become a “A World Class Destination”, “ASEAN-Feel the Warmth” and promoting a green economy in ASEAN member countries.

H.E Sok An, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister in Charge of the Office of the Council of Minister, said that this is the second time that Cambodia has hosted the annual forum, which is rotated among the ASEAN member countries. The first ATF in Cambodia was held here in 2003.

“The hospitality sectors has made tremendous improvements allowing tourist to feel the warmth during their visit to this precious land, Cambodia-Kingdom of Wonders, with its rich cultural history and splendid natural resources, blessed with the good-natured smile of Cambodian people awaiting to welcome tourists from all countries.” he stated.

While 21st century is considered as “The Age of Travel and Tourism”, tourism is recognized as a stimulus tool in boosting economic growth, contributing to jobs creation and improving people’s livelihood. The Royal of Government of Cambodia has paid great attention to and strongly supports the development of tourism sector.

In 2010, the tourism industry grew of 16 percent in Cambodia, with international tourist arrivals numbering roughly 2.5 million and internal tourists numbering 7 million. This help to further develop infrastructural linkages, good resorts, strong customer service, and a stable economic environment. These achievements are result of the tourism promotional campaign, “Cambodia-Kingdom of Wonder” and the “Clean City, Clean Resort, Good Service” initiative.

ATF is aim to project ASEAN as an attractive, multi-faceted single destination to tourism, increase awareness of ASEAN as highly competitive regional tourist destination in the Asia Pacific. In addition, ATF seeks to attract more tourists to ASEAN member countries, strengthen cooperation among the various sectors of the ASEAN tourism industry, and promote intra-ASEAN travel.

The next ATF will be convened in Manado, Indonesia, on January 9‑15, 2012 with “ASEAN Tourism for a Global Community of Nations” as the theme. PDR Lao will be the host of ATF 2013.

By S.L (Vol. 5, Issue 4, SEAW)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Cambodian Equestrians Rank at the Top

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (19 January 2011)

Three horse riders from the Cambodian Equestrian Federation (CEF) attended international championship called “Christmas Show Jumping”. It was conducted on December 11th-12th 2010 in Bangkok, Thailand. Each has achieved good results.

To celebrate the achievements of Cambodian equestrians, the Cambodia Country Club (CCC) has launched an event on January 18th to celebrate their great results, and given their accomplishment, have been encouraged to participate in the Norodom Sihanouk Championship.

Mrs. Soraya Ourrais, General Manager of the Cambodia Country Club and national advisor for the CEF said “I am very happy and surprise when I hear Cambodia Horse Riser [achieve] good result after joining [the] Christmas Show Jumping, because it is the first time that all of them [has] joined international competition.”

She continued to say that this event is to meat to celebrate the achievements of Cambodian horse-riders from the international competition in Thailand. It also encourages them for the next national tournament and for preparations necessary for the 26th SEA Games in Indonesia, at the end of this year.

Mr. Guillaume Larivain, Manager of Cambodia Country Club (CCC) rising said that Cambodian equestrians including Hoy Soparith, seventeen year-old Sim Narith and fourteen-year old Lon Sopheartra, each received good results in the “Christmas Show Jumping” in Thailand.

There are around 50 to 60 riders from various countries such as Thailand, Sweden, Poland, France, England, and America who joined this competition, he said, adding that Cambodian equestrians have joined five events during the tournament.

“This is the first time for his federation [for a] Cambodian [equestrian] to join [an] international championship, but they did very well” he remarked.

A well-known Cambodian rider, who also has won Norodom Sihanouk Championship last year, participated in three events in this tournament and got all good results. He received first place for the 70-centimeters horse jumping event, second place for one-meter horse jumping. This was for first day in competition. He also received forth for one-meter horse jumping event during the second day.

Lon Sopheartra, who has trained for two years, also received good result during competition. He participated in four events. Among them, he triumphed to earn first place in 50-centimeters horse jumping event, number two in 70-centimeters horse jumping and compete clear round for another 70 centimeters horse jumping.

Even though mature riser, Hoy Soparith, did not receive a rank, but he also achieved the clear round rider (fair Play) award from the tournament.

Mr. Guillaume Larivain noted that the riders’ are quickly rising to occasion, developing important skills to maneuver their respective horses, even those they have never really ridden in the past. He said, “It is very surprise to me”.

Three Cambodian equestrians are at the horse stable almost every day preparing for joining seventh Norodom Sihanouk Championship, which is to be held on January 30th, February 6th and February 13th.

By S.L (Vol. 5, Issue 4, SEAW)

ASEAN adopted Tourism Development Strategic Plan 2011-2015

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (18 January 2011)

Fourteenth ASEAN Tourism Ministers Meeting has held on January 17th at Peace Building. The meeting summarized ASEAN tourism development over the past year, and adopted the "Tourism Development of ASEAN Strategic Plan (ATSP) 2011-2015."

The Ministers, Deputy Minister of tourism authorities and other responsible persons from Cambodia, Brunei, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam attended the meeting.
Cambodian Tourism Minister at Thong Khon and Chairman of the meeting said that there is certainly a need for ASEAN to be attuned to the realities of the situation that the world has started recovering from the global economic downturn. “We need to sustain ASEAN’s fame as the fastest growing tourism destination in the world.”

“We must reaffirm our commitments for sustained ASEAN tourism cooperation, strive our best for the travel facilitation and connectivity for intra-ASEAN and international travel, and finalization and adoption of the ASEAN Tourism Strategic Plan 2011-2015” he remarked at opening of 14th ASEAN Tourism Ministers Meeting.

In the meeting, the ASEAN ministers unanimously adopted the "ASEAN Tourism Development Strategic Plan 2011-2015". The adoption of this plan is to further enhance and ensure the successful implementation of work program and activities so that tourism can continuously contribute not only to fast track ASEAN integration but also to elevate living standard of citizens in ASEAN counties, he said after meeting.

He pointed out that the five-year strategic plan mention about three priority strategies: develop experiential regional products and creative marketing and investment strategies; strategically increase the quality of services and human resources in the region; and enhance and accelerate travel facilitation and ASEAN connectivity.

“By 2015, ASEAN will provide an increasing number of visitors to the region with authentic and diverse products, enhanced connectivity, a safe and secure environment, increase quality of services, while at the same time ensuring an increased quality of life and opportunities for residents through responsible and sustainable tourism development by working effectively with a wide range of stakeholders,” he highlighted the vision of the plan.

He said at the meeting that ASEAN ministers discussed the position of the tourism market. The meeting also called for increased attention on ASEAN regional markets and the Asian market, but do not give up the European markets.

H.E Tith Chantha, Secretary General of Cambodia Ministry of Tourism said after meeting that ASEAN Tourism Ministers endorsed the five-year development strategic plan for tourism development in ASEAN is important. Members of ASEAN are determined to put ASEAN in 2015 into a world-class tourist area, welcomed the world, visitors to all regions of the ASEAN National Tourism.

It is noted that ATSP contributes to the overall goals of the ASEAN Community by 2015 through promotion of growth, integration and competiveness of the tourism sector and at the same time deepen social and cultural understanding as well as facilitating travel into and within ASEAN. The Ministers of ASEAN also emphasized the need for effective and on-schedule implementation of ATSP 2011-2015. The Ministers requested ASEAN NTOs to coordinate and oversee the implementation of ATSP and to report the progress of its implementation on a regular basis. The ASEAN NTOs shall also work closely with relevant ASEAN bodies, including ASEAN Senior Transport Official Meeting (STOM) and ASEAN Directors-General of immigration Departments and Heads of Consular Affairs Division of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs (DGICM), on the measures to facilitate in the region.

Beside than this, The Ministers of ASEAN expressed their appreciation to the Government of the United States for the technical assistance provided through the USAID, UNWTO and PATA for contributing their expertise in developing ATSP 2011-2015.

By S.L

Saturday, January 29, 2011

ASEAN Extends Cooperation with China, Japan and South Korea

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (17 January 2011)
ASEAN NTOs pose for picture at 18th meeting of ASEAN+3 NTOs meeting
 The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and China, Japan, Republic of South Korea continues to cooperate in tourism sector. The ASEAN side urged the three countries to continue to strengthen cooperation in the development of regional tourism, economic development and to improve living standards.

 During the 18th meeting,  H.E Tith Chantha, Director General of Ministry of Tourism of Cambodia stress that important issues were discuss related to tourism, cooperation, result and plans for the future. The meeting included Ms. Wang Yanjie, Deputy Director of China National Tourism Administration of Tourism Promotion and International Cooperation Department, Mr Naoyoshi Yamada, vice commissioner for international Affairs of Japan Tourism Agency and Mr. Shin Pyungsup, director of Korea National Tourism Organization.

He told the media after the meeting that China, Japan, and Republic of South Korea are playing an immense role in the field of tourism, and continue to help ASEAN in term of personnel training and tourism promotion within ASEAN. ASEAN countries at the meeting also called attention to strengthen cooperation with China, Japan and Republic of South Korea, which expressing gratitude for their help.

He pointed out that tourism cooperation prospects for ASEAN, China, Japan and the Republic of Korea are promising. “ASEAN+3 Meeting discuss on the promotion of tourism development and encouraging visitors from China, Japan and Republic of South Korea to ASEAN”.

"All three countries [have] tourists that visit the ASEAN tourism [and] it is growing. In 2010, 70 million tourists visited ASEAN (10.67 percent growth compared to 2009) including 10 million tourists from China, Japanese and Korean. Only Cambodia, tourists from China, Japan and South Korea is increased by around 40 percent in 2010," he said.

He continued to say that Cambodia stands to gain from China, Japan, and South Korea. “Tourists from these three countries to Cambodia are increasing from year to year, and the tourists play an important role in economic and social development in Cambodia”.

The ASEAN+3 Senior Officials Meeting is also discuss on the “ASEAN Tourism Strategic Development Plan 2011-2015”, ASEAN hopes that China, Japan and Republic of South Korea support the strategic plan, and that the region contributes to development and poverty reduction.

During the meeting, all three countries established the “China - ASEAN Center”, “Japan - ASEAN Center”, “South Korea - ASEAN Center”. These three Centers have an important role in the development of tourism promotion, cultural tourism and human resources, he noted.

Ms. Wang Yanjie stressed that China attaches an importance to strengthening tourism cooperation with ASEAN countries, and are willingness to strengthen cooperation such as personnel training and tourism publicity.

By S.L (Vol. 5, Issue 4, SEAW)

ADB and WB Mobilize Partners for Human Resourse Development

Siem Reap, Cambodia (13 Jaunary 2011)
Poverty had forced Tuok Neang to stay away from reading books since he was a child. Born to a poor family in Siem Reap province, Tuok Neang had spent his childhood helping his parents on the farm. He couldn’t afford to buy books and had never appreciated the benefits of reading. However, the Public Information Center (PIC) – jointly established by the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank – has  brought a big change for Tuok Neang, who is now a university student majoring in English.

In the rectangular-shaped Public Information Center housed in the Southeast Asia Univeristy in Siem Reap with thousands of books well organized on simple wooden shelves, the 23year-old student is clutching a book on war and development. He compares the Public Information Center to a knowledge warehouse, where the public can absorb knowledge free of charge.

“In the past, I never had a good book to read and did not want to read at all. But since I came to this center, the fascinating reading materials grab my attention. The more I read, the more I want to read; reading has really enlightened me,” Tuok Neang said, looking excitedly at the books piled around him.

Tuok Neang, who is also a part-time English teacher, spends at least two hours per day in the Public Information Center to search for different materials, especially those related to economic development. Tuok Neang always discusses what he has read with friends and shares it with his students.

“I hope one day I will be able to fully utilize the knowledge I have gained from this information center and apply the wisdom I have gained from reading so many good books to contribute to the development of Cambodia’s economy,” he said.

The Public Information Center in Siem Reap province is one of three Public Information Centers officially launched by the Asian Development Bank in December 2010. The other two Public Information Centers are located in the Western University in Kampong Cham province and in the University of Management and Economics in Preah Sihanouk province. Each information center is stocked with a wide range of books including economics, social studies, local and international development documents as well as documents produced by development partners, which students, teachers, civil society organization staff and civil servants can access free of charge. These centers are equipped with computers, printers and internet connections to allow users to search for materials on the world wide web.

“Knowledge is power, which can bring about development and progress for individuals and for the nation as a whole,” said Peter Brimble, Senior Country Economist of the Asian Development Bank at the inauguration ceremony of the three Public Information Centers in late December.

“The Public Information Center provides an invaluable knowledge base for all to use, and you should all take advantage of the knowledge in the centers to develop your wisdom and your skills,” Mr. Brimble added.

In Cambodia’s turbulent past, most of those who struggled to survive did not have the chance to appreciate reading as necessary for their lives. This loss of reading culture has continued until the present, although literacy rates have improved. The situation is compounded by the shortage of books and other documents.

Nevertheless, Leng Leanghor, the Public Information Center officer at the Southeast Asia University, said each day there are around 60 students accessing the center in search of knowledge. This number is twice that of 2009 and 2008.

The Public Information Center at the University of Management and Economics in Preah Sihanouk province has also received increased numbers of students reading books and searching for documents on-line, according to the Public Information Center officer Bros Sameoun. There are at least 30 students per day searching for materials related to their learning program, he said. 

Keo Rasmey is among them. Rasmey’s eyes are directed towards the computer screen showing information on the history of Cambodia. The 19year-old accounting student said that searching for documents on the internet is not only speedy and diverse but also provides knowledge to complement his studies.

“Such general knowledge will help me compete for jobs in the future,” said Keo Rasmey enthusiastically.

Given the significance of the Public Information Centers, Mr.  Brimble announced that the Asian Development Bank plans to launch another Public Information Center in Battambang province in early 2011. “The ADB and the World Bank will also work together to mobilize other development partners to contribute resources to these centers with the common objective of developing human resources in Cambodia,” he added.

(Vol. 5, Issue 3, SEAW)

11th Badminton Friendship Tournament hosted in Kampong Chhnang

Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia (12 January 2011)

Kampong Chhnang province has organized the 11th Badminton Friendship Tournament, from 9 to 10 January 2011, to select best players for games and other tournaments.

The Badminton Friendship Tournament split into seven events: Juniors pair 13 under match, junior pair 16 under match, junior pair 19 under match, senior pair 19 over match, veteran pair 35-50 match, veteran pair 50 over match and female pair match.

A two day and half of competition showed the hardest of athletes who come from the various clubs in Cambodia, with physical effort, ability, genius, technique and solidarity consciousness in completing.

H.E. Gen. Ly Kosal, Secretary of Treasurer of National Olympic Committee of Cambodia (NOCC) and President of Cambodia Badminton Federation (CBF), said that “I am very thankful to technical officers and Kampong Chhnang authority who have organized badminton tournament in Kampong Chhnang. The competition went smoothly and achieved successful results.

Mr. Touch Marrim, Kampong Chhang governor, said that this is the first time that Kampong Chhnang has hosted the competition. It aim to establish the 7 January Prize. “The successful competition shows that the badminton in Cambodia is developing, and the sport sector of Cambodia is on the progressing.”

According to result of 11th Badminton Friendship Tournament, the result indicated that, in junior pair 13 under match, a pair of Svay Rieng athletes, Chhor Rayuth and Meng Panharoth defeated the team from Kampong Chnang. Svay Rieng received first place and Kampong Chnang receive second place.

In junior pair 16 under match, Siem Kimhong and Cheang Socheat, who come from Ministry of Interior club, defeated Rom Rithy and Tep Rithy, who come from Kampong Chhnang club. The team come from Ministry of Interior receive first place.

In juniors pair 19 under match, Kampong Cham club defeated Rvay Rieng. Sim Pisey and Chan Sorlida represented Kampong Cham team, and Sok Phanna and Khun Bovicheat play represented Rvay Rieng team.

In seniors pair 19 over match, Tev Youngvan and Prom Saravuth (Trapaing Plong club) defeated Sok Chanthon and Phin Detbudthy (Trapaing Plong club).

Krong Sochkhang and Chher Chhorvan who in Khemarak club were successful won. The defeated Kong Phally and Keo Bopha in Cambodian Badminton Federation for veteran pair 35-50 match.

At the final round of veteran pair 50 over match, Po Nearin and Hun Chamroeun from Kampong Cham club defeated the Trapaing Plong club (Tev Sopong and Hou Chea). The Kampong Cham club become the champion in that match.

For female pair match, Chhun Chhorry and Ung Voleakteavy who from Khemarak club were the champion of that match by defeating Keo Pichchhovy and Leng Sokong, from the Svay Rieng club.
By S.L (Vol.5, Issue 3, SEAW)

EU Awards $2 million to Eight New Human Right Projects

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (11 January 2011)

The European Union (EU) is awarding about € 1.6 million (over $ 2 million) to eight new human rights projects in order to improve human rights, democracy, and the rule of law in Cambodia.

The implementing organizations will be mainly Cambodian NGOs. The eight projects were selected from 23 project proposals that were submitted following a call for proposals which was launched last year by the EU Delegation in Cambodia and the EU global human rights program Since 2003, the EU has provided more than € 13.5 million (about $18 million) in grants to support human rights actions in Cambodia, in partnership with local as well as international NGOs.

"Human rights and democracy form the cornerstone of the EU and are fundamental to all activities supported by the EU in Cambodia," said the EU Delegation Head of Operations Ms. Michelle Labeeu.  "On behalf of the EU Delegation, I am delighted to welcome those eight new projects on board and I am convinced that they will contribute to the development of Cambodia and its people", added Ms. Labeeu.

The selected projects are:

The Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) receives over € 95,000 to do a 24 month project throughout Cambodia in order to empower vulnerable communities to protect their land from being illegally grabbed and to ensure peaceful and acceptable resolutions are made possible to land disputes.

The Committee for Free and Fair Elections in Cambodia (COMFREL) receives a grant of over € 131,000 for a 22 month project to raise awareness about the importance of local democracy and participation in democratic processes during and after elections.

The Indigenous Community Support Organization (ICSO) is given € 300,000 to run a 36 month project in Ratanakiri province to support and empower indigenous communities to preserve their cultural and traditional identities, their ancestral land and secure their communal land titles.

SILAKA through its partner, DanchurchAid, receives a grant of € 285,000 for a 36 month project aimed at empowering Cambodian women leaders at the sub-national levels and to bring essential social services to Cambodia’s most vulnerable groups, as well as advocating for the protection of their rights.

Protection of Juvenile Justice (PJJ) is awarded with over € 277,000 to do a 24 month project in order to promote the respect of the rights of incarcerated children to ensure that they obtain proper access to legal assistance, health care and respect.

Legal Aid of Cambodia (LAC) through its partner, REDD BARNA (Save the Children Norway), receive over € 480,000 for a 36 months project in Banteay Meanchey and Siem Reap to contribute to the development of a child-friendly justice process and to strengthen the implementation of children’s rights through national and international law in Cambodia.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Cambodia Baseball Players Prepare for SEA Games

Kampong Thom, Cambodia (10 January 2011)
Cambodian Baseball Players training at the baseball field in Prasath Balaing district, Kampong Thom to prepare for SEA Games

The Cambodian Baseball Federation (CBF) has led a group around 30 people with a popular local artist, Pou Khlaing. He led them to visit the Cambodian National Baseball Team (CNBT) training field on 9 January, in Prasath Balaing district, Kampong Thom.

The purpose of visiting the field is to motivate baseball payers to work hard and prepare themselves for the upcoming SEA games and other national and international tournaments. It is also an idea to promote and develop baseball in Cambodia through entertainment. This event is also preparing baseball players in training.

Mr. Pou Klaing and other artists have come to show their support for the team. Through joy, music and dancing, they have added to the spirit of the baseball team. It is a great idea to get support from the community to encourage the baseball team to perform at the best of their abilities and to win games.

Joe Cook, the President of the Cambodian Baseball Federation, said that, “We will try all efforts to take baseball to the people, and we want you to help us in baseball. I want to bring the joy of baseball to the children of Cambodia and give them hope.”

Ms. Chea Theary, General Secretary of Cambodia, said that around 30 people from Phnom Penh including Pou Khlaing and some local artists went to Kampong Thom to inspire the baseball team, especially to work hard and prepare for the SEA Game 2011.

“Three national selected baseball teams, which were established in Kampong Thom, need to train from 15 December 2010 to 30 October 2011, to join international baseball competitions in Indonesia in November”. She added these three teams will practice and train here.

After joining SEA Games, the Cambodian Baseball Federation has many future plans, such as Clinic Baseball in Phnom Penh, opening season and international games. “We also plan to teach children the game of baseball and get them more involved in sports in order to cut down inactivity in society such as involvements in using drugs, stealing, violence, and so on.

“I observed that after people have been involved in sports especially baseball, they develop a strong spirit with a strong conscience.

It is noted that the Cambodian National Baseball Team will participate in the 26th SEA Games, to be held in Indonesia, from 11 to 25 November 2011. This team has been training since 2007. The federation has been recognized by the National Olympic Committee of Cambodia (NOCC) and currently trains at Prasath Balaing Sports Complex, Kampong Thom province. The team had competed in the 2007 SEA Games and 2009 Asian Baseball Cup, both held in Bangkok, Thailand.

By S.L (Vol. 5, Issue 3, SEAW)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cambodia-Japan Cooperate on ICT Research

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (9 January 2011)

The rapid advancement of information and communication technologies (JCT) has contributed to the economic development in Cambodia. The integration of ICT into Private and public sectors has increase productivity and efficiency at the workplace, and it has become an indispensible tool for many. Cambodia and Japan launched the “The Japan-Cambodia Joint Symposium on Information System and Communication Technology (JCAICT)” on January 6-8, in Phnom Penh, to cooperate on ICT research that will promote substantial growth of business. This was sponsored of IEEJ, EISS-IEEJ, Osaka Prefecture University and the Royal University of Phnom Penh.

The Japan-Cambodia Joint Symposium on Information System and Communication technology (ISCT) provided a unique opportunity to exchange ideas, discuss best practices to raise awareness, and share experience to promote mutual understanding and friendship among researchers and practitioners.

H.E. Pit Chamnan, Secretary of State of Ministry of Education Youth and Sport (MoEYS), said at the launching ceremony that wider application of ICT have been observed in various sectors throughout public and private institutions.

“We now depend on technology…[so]…much that it has become indispensable tools for our daily lives both professional and personal,” he stated.

He continued to say that the Royal Government of Cambodia has made ICT a priority and has also prepared for its new challenges. Since its third mandate, the government has included ICT in its Rectangular Strategy Growth, Employment, Equity and Efficiency strategies.

ICT in education is also making headway now following the decision of MoEYS to implement its Master Plan (2003-2013), which is based on policies with three main goals: to provide students with ICT skills for classroom and social needs; to use ICT to improve the quality of teaching; and to use ICT to improve educational administration. As H.E. Pit Chamnan highlighted, the plan focuses on expanding computer use, increasing access to the information and research, reaching out to more students through distance education, and distributing research and subject documents through an electronic repository or clearing house.

To ensure smooth implementation of its master plan, MoEYS needs empirical data from various research findings as well as feedback and lessons learned from other countries in the region that have started implementation of ICT, he said, adding that this forum also provide the opportunity for Cambodian and Japanese researchers, scholars and engineers to learn from each other, share research outcomes, and exchanging ideas and experiences.

“I am very proud that students in Cambodia have submitted their research articles to this forum for review and …[that the articles have been]…accepted for presentation and publication,” he said.

At the ceremony, Chhic Eav Lav, President of the Royal University of Phnom Penh, said that the JCAICT 2011 is a first and great forum that Japan and Cambodia have jointly conducted to offer the opportunity for researchers and scholars from Cambodia, Japan and other countries to share their research about ICT. He added that ISCT has played a crucial role in connecting people, enhancing their live and developing society in countries around the world.

In their speech during the opening ceremony, Hiroshi Tsuji and Marry Kong, General co-chairs of JCAICT 2011, highlighted that Japan has enjoyed advanced information and communication technologies but needs more breakthroughs and Cambodia in recent year has witnessed a significant economic growth and there is a growth interest and necessity in advanced research and development in ICT, so both countries in need for the diversified demands of their respective societies, and research-based cooperation and collaboration between Japan and Cambodia in information systems and communication technology is contributing the needs as well as to more mutual business opportunities.

“ICT has played an important role in socio-economic development around the world as well as in Cambodia,” he said. “The need needs for more advanced ICT are growing rapidly from day to day, which requires more research and development.”

Taketoshi Okuno, president of Osaka Prefecture University, said that ISCT is the most important infrastructural elements in current knowledge-based society. “I feel certain that in the friendly atmosphere and intensive discussions of JCAICT, many ideas and challenges in these areas will emerge, and that new and enduring friendships will form.”

By S.L (Vol.5, Issue 2, SEAW)