Wednesday, February 16, 2011

CHRC Strengthen Human Right Through Traning Course

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (14 February 2011)
Trainees and trainer pictured after Human Right Education Training Of Trainers Foundation Course

The Cambodia Human Rights Committee (CHRC), with financial and technical support from the European Union (EU), collaborated with a range of human rights education expert agencies and organizations to successfully implement their first, in a six step series, internal Human Rights Education Training of Trainers Foundation Course (Phase One), Monday-Friday, 7 – 11 February 2011.  This evolving CHRC and EU collaboration is designed to progressively build internal CHRC human rights education capacity while strengthening vital collaborations with the overall purpose of advancing quality human rights knowledge, skills and responses throughout Cambodia.

This first Human Rights Education Training of Trainers Foundation Course (HRE ToT) provided 11 CHRC team members with advanced theoretical linking practical human rights education and facilitation knowledge and skills while strengthening vital collaborations.  The HRE ToT covered a range of prioritized HRE themes that were facilitated by HRE experts from across the UN and national non-governmental organizations (NGOs).  The expert agencies and organizations engaged included:  OHCHR; CICP (Cambodia Institute for Cooperation and Peace (CICP); CDP (Cambodia Defenders Project); UNICEF; UN Women; ADHOC; ILO; and CHRC – EU Technical Advisor.

Importantly highlighted as a next step, the newly capacitated CHRC HRE Trainers will engage in HRE planning sessions with expert collaborators in order to conduct provincial human rights education situational analyses, training needs assessments (HRE TNAs), identify target groups, design context appropriate agendas, methodologies and materials in order to engage local authorities and civil society across eight provinces in HRE ToTs.  The purpose of the province ToTs is to instigate and support an HRE knowledge and skills multiplier effect across the country with the intended outcome being the advancement of human rights.  Simultaneously, under the CHRC and EU collaboration, a total of six CHRC members will be engaged in international and regional human rights education study tours, on-the-job training and mentoring, seminars, discussions, and refresher courses.

The HRE ToT Closing Certification Ceremony included speeches and delivery of certificates by CHRC’s President HE Mr. Om Yentieng and the European Union Delegation to Cambodia’s Chargé d' Affaires HE Mr. Rafael Dochao Moreno.  Importantly, in their closing speeches, President Om Yentieng and the Chargé d' Affaires Rafael Dochao Moreno expressed mutual commitment to progress collaborations with the purpose of advancing human rights throughout Cambodia.  In their speeches both Chargé d' Affaires HE Mr. Dochao and President HE Mr. Om Yentieng agreed that, despite some advances there is still a long way forward notably in questions like the rule of law, land issues and impunity. The collaboration between the EU and the CHRC as well as the opening to other HR organizations both local and international is the basis for continuing advancing in this important yet fragile sector.


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