Sunday, February 27, 2011

National Olympic Committee organizes Extra-Ordinary General Assembly

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (16 February 2011) 
H.E. Dr. Thong Khon speaks at the Extra-Ordinary General Assembly
The National Olympic Committee of Cambodia (NOCC) has organized Extra-Ordinary General Assembly on February 15 at NAGA World in Phnom Penh to sum up all work in year 2009-2010 and set up strategy plan and work activities for year 2011.

H.E Dr. Thong Khon, Minister of Ministry of Tourism and President of NOCC, said the extra-ordinary general assembly is aiming to share experience, knowledge, the past successfully implementation in sport sector and Olympic movement activities through Autonomy based, good government, transparency and conflict solution conflict based on Olympic Charter of organization.

Currently, the NOCC has 33 federations included 18 Olympic sport federations and 15 Non-Olympic sport federations, but the activities level of all federations are far different. So NOCC divided them into three kinds of categories: high-activity federation, medium-activity federation and low-activity federation, he said, adding that, the differential of federation activities is show the limitation of consciousness in cooperation, solidarity and sharing art. All of these are the main barrier in developing sport sector in country.

He mentioned that high-activity or strong federation is refer to federation which has continuous activities both administrative activities, training, competition and other events. For low-activity or weak activity refers to federation, which has little activities or has less ability to run administrative and sport activities.

The good measures for all federations are strengthen administrative work in terms of possible ability of some federation as opposed to weak federation; continue to strengthen sport activity by create more sport activities and direct training techniques such as international and national training and international and national competition; consult to assist consciousness, possibility and strategy to support idea and sport activities; strengthen executive committee work and reexamine all federation’s possibility, ability and abandon in working by finding solution, providing training, offering motivation, giving direction, and showing possibility to run sport activities; planning an agenda and set up project by consult with NOCC, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport and private companies in order to achieve the goal; and understand and respect sport morality, fair-play principle to attract the attention of sponsors and sport fans for getting support.

In the development of sport sector, Football Federation of Cambodia (FFC) and Cambodia Tennis Federation (CTF) become the lead federations in sport activities, which promote to organize events in country and participate in international events. These two federations have a strong administrative and system, which caused the potential in development of sport activities and federation activities as presentation about FFC activities by Ouk Sethcheat, General Secretary of FFC and presentation about the development of CTF by Khith Sipin, Delegate In-charge of Media and Administration of CTF.

According to financial report of NOCC, the income in 2010 is 543,145.17 USD with expense of 474,639.59 USD. It shows that income is more than expense.

Mr. Ly Kosal, treasurer of NOCC said that the reform of financial management is important in strengthen the source of income. “It can help to support the development movement nowadays”

Beside the activities, NOCC also adopt and approval NOC (National Olympic Committee) of Charter, which has 19 Chapters and 64 articles. This charter will implements in Cambodia from now.

In contribution to development of Olympic movement as well as sport development, H.E Sao Sokha, president of FFC receive IOC (International Olympic Committee) Trophy.

At the end of general assembly, NOCC announced that H.E Sameday Siwatana is NOCC’s advisor and honorary life president of NOCC.

By S.L (SEAW, Vol.5, Issue 8)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Cambodia Football Team Qualify for Group Stage

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (17 February  2011)
Cambodian National Football Team
Cambodia national football team already qualify for group stage after matching with Macau in qualifying playoff round of AFC Challenge Cup in aggregate score of 5-4. The two matches of qualifying playoff round took place on February 9 and 16, 2011.

In first leg, Cambodia prevails over Macau in final score of 3-1 on February 9.

In second leg, Cambodia lost Macau in final score of 2-3 on February 16. During first half, Cambodia Player number 8, Khim Borey scored at 45+2 minute. At the second half, Macau player against back and scored three by Player number 14, Wong Vernon scored one goal at 62 minute, Player number 27, Leong Ka Hang scored second goal at 73 minute and Player number 23, De Jesus Morais Al Ves scored the third goal at 75 minute. But Cambodia take one score back in the extra time by Sam EL Nasa at the 107 minute. The match take place at Estadio Campo Desportivo of Macau, the weather was only 10 degree Celsius. 

As the result, Cambodia up to Group C of qualifying group stage by aggregate score of 5-4 with Macau. There are four groups of four team each in qualifying group stage teams included Tajikistan, Maldives, Cambodia and Kyrgyzstan. The matches will play as a single round-robin tournament or league system, so Cambodia will against with Tajikistan, Maldives, and Kyrgyzstan, which will hold from 20 to 31 March 2011.

By S.L

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cambodia Football team went to Macru

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (15 February 2011)
Cambodia National Football team pictured before leaving Phnom Penh

Mr. Ly Kimchhun, Chief of delegation led 20 football players of National Football team to Macau for second leg. They left Cambodia International Airport to Macau City, Republic of China on February 14 to against Macau Football team for second leg of Cambodia-Macau match in AFC Challenge Cup 2012. The match will take place at Estadio Campo Desportivo Stadium in Macau.

Squad for the second leg:

- Ouk Mich © (Preah Khan Reach)
- Peng Bunchhay (Phnom Penh Crown)

- Lay Rasmey (Preah Khan Reach)
- Tieng Tiny (Phnom Penh Crown)
- Touch Panhcharong (Police Commissary)
- San Narith (Phnom Penh Crown)
- Say Piseth (Police Commissary)
- Thong Udom (National Defence)

- Keo Sokgnon (Samuth Sakhon FC, Thailand)
- Khuon Laboray (Preah Khan Reach)
- Chan Rithy (Surin FC, Thailand)
- Chhun Sothearath (Build Bright United)
- Phoung Soksana (National Defence)
- Prak Mony Udom (Preah Khan Reach)
- Sun Sopanha (Phnom Penh Crown)
- Suon Veasna (Preah Khan Reach)

- Khim Borey (Sisaket FC, Thailand)
- Kouch Sokumpheak (Phnom Penh Crown)
- Sam El Nasa (Preah Khan Reach)
- Sok Pheng (Phnom Penh Crown)

CHRC Strengthen Human Right Through Traning Course

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (14 February 2011)
Trainees and trainer pictured after Human Right Education Training Of Trainers Foundation Course

The Cambodia Human Rights Committee (CHRC), with financial and technical support from the European Union (EU), collaborated with a range of human rights education expert agencies and organizations to successfully implement their first, in a six step series, internal Human Rights Education Training of Trainers Foundation Course (Phase One), Monday-Friday, 7 – 11 February 2011.  This evolving CHRC and EU collaboration is designed to progressively build internal CHRC human rights education capacity while strengthening vital collaborations with the overall purpose of advancing quality human rights knowledge, skills and responses throughout Cambodia.

This first Human Rights Education Training of Trainers Foundation Course (HRE ToT) provided 11 CHRC team members with advanced theoretical linking practical human rights education and facilitation knowledge and skills while strengthening vital collaborations.  The HRE ToT covered a range of prioritized HRE themes that were facilitated by HRE experts from across the UN and national non-governmental organizations (NGOs).  The expert agencies and organizations engaged included:  OHCHR; CICP (Cambodia Institute for Cooperation and Peace (CICP); CDP (Cambodia Defenders Project); UNICEF; UN Women; ADHOC; ILO; and CHRC – EU Technical Advisor.

Importantly highlighted as a next step, the newly capacitated CHRC HRE Trainers will engage in HRE planning sessions with expert collaborators in order to conduct provincial human rights education situational analyses, training needs assessments (HRE TNAs), identify target groups, design context appropriate agendas, methodologies and materials in order to engage local authorities and civil society across eight provinces in HRE ToTs.  The purpose of the province ToTs is to instigate and support an HRE knowledge and skills multiplier effect across the country with the intended outcome being the advancement of human rights.  Simultaneously, under the CHRC and EU collaboration, a total of six CHRC members will be engaged in international and regional human rights education study tours, on-the-job training and mentoring, seminars, discussions, and refresher courses.

The HRE ToT Closing Certification Ceremony included speeches and delivery of certificates by CHRC’s President HE Mr. Om Yentieng and the European Union Delegation to Cambodia’s Chargé d' Affaires HE Mr. Rafael Dochao Moreno.  Importantly, in their closing speeches, President Om Yentieng and the Chargé d' Affaires Rafael Dochao Moreno expressed mutual commitment to progress collaborations with the purpose of advancing human rights throughout Cambodia.  In their speeches both Chargé d' Affaires HE Mr. Dochao and President HE Mr. Om Yentieng agreed that, despite some advances there is still a long way forward notably in questions like the rule of law, land issues and impunity. The collaboration between the EU and the CHRC as well as the opening to other HR organizations both local and international is the basis for continuing advancing in this important yet fragile sector.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

UNDP Regional Director visit Cambodia

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (14 February 2011)

Dr. Ajay Chhibber, UN Assistant Secretary General, UNDP Assistant Administrator and Director for Asia and the pacific, will visit Cambodia to address the 4th Cambodia Economic Forum on February 16.

The fourth Cambodia Economic Forum is a high-level policy dialogue, which will be organized by Cambodia’s Supreme National Economic Council (SNEC), aiming to influence strategic, long-term sustainable and equitable growth in Cambodia.

On the way of visiting, Dr. Ajay Chhibber will meet with Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techno Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia and other senior government officials. They will discuss about important strategic included the outlook of Cambodia economic recovery following the recent global economic downturn; aid effectiveness; the threat, impact and mitigation of climate change on the country’s economic and social growth, and local measures to accelerate achievement of the Cambodian Millennium Development Goal by 2015.

By S.L

Friday, February 11, 2011

Cambodia Football Players Prevail over Macau

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (10 February 2011)
Cambodia football players (red shirt) compete with Macau at the National Stadium in Phnom Penh
The Cambodian Football National team had a match against Macau football team at the National Stadium, Phnom Penh for the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Challenge Cup 2012. At the end of the match, Cambodia defeated the Macau team with a final score 3-1.

During half time, the game was tied zero to zero. Macau had no chance in half time, but Cambodia football team has six chances for goal, unfortunately they do not successful score a mark even though attacking player number 19 head ball many times to Macau’s net. All the balls were out of net or saved by Macau goalkeeper.
However, the game just turned to full time for two minute, Kouch Sokumpheark player number 10 of Cambodia football team went to the font and pass the ball to Sam El Nasa player number 19. Nasa get the ball from Kumpheark then kick ball and scored at the 47 minute.

After five minutes later, Nasa scored one more mark by kicking a ball into opposite tram’s net at the 52 minute. At the 58 minute, Khuon Laboravy player number 11 also got an opportunity for goal and scored.

As the result of 3-0, Macau try to attack back and successfully scored at 79 minute by Leong Ka Hang player 27.

Mr. Lee Tae Hoon, Cambodian football coach, said that he was satisfied with the performance of both teams. Some individual performances stood out. The Macau team also held pressure against the Cambodia team. The Macau coach did note that he may consider altering existing strategies and perhaps even some players.

Mr. Leung Sui Wing, Macau football coach, said that he was satisfied with the overall match, especially the last ten minutes. He believed that his team played decently.

The Cambodia-Macau match is one of four matches during the AFC Challenge Cup 2012. Others include the Bhutan versus Afghanistan match, the Philippines versus Mongolia match, and the Chinese Taipei versus Laos match. These eight teams, which are eight of the lowest-ranking teams out of 20, will play on a home-and-away basis, and the four winners will qualify for the 16-team group match.

On February 16, Cambodia will go to Macau to play the second leg of the tournament. If Cambodia wins, it will successfully qualify for the 16-team group and directly play in group stage which will be played from March 20 to 31. In this match, Cambodia may meet Tajikistan, Maldives, or Kyrgyzstan.

The AFC Challenge Cup is an international football competition for emerging nations that are members of the Asian Football Confederation.
The first tournament was hosted by Bangladesh in 2006. The AFC Challenge Cup 2010 was hosted by Sri Lanka. North Korea took first place at that time, with Turkmenistan receiving second. Tajikistan and Myanmar received third and fourth place, respectively.

By S.L(Vol. 5, Issue 7, SEAW)

Cambodia Baseball warm up for International Games

Kampong Speu, Cambodia (06 Feb 2011)
Cambodia Baseball Team learn a lesson from Korea coach before competition

The Cambodian Baseball Federation (CBF) and Kampong Speu Club have organized a Baseball Friendship competition for baseball players on February 5 at Heo Koo Youn Field, which in Kong Pisey District, Kampong Speu.

The purpose of competition is to test the team’s ability and warm up. It is also to motivate baseball payers to continue practicing in preparation for SEA games. In addition, it is also an opportunity for players to learn from each other and receive advices from Chairman of Technical Committee of Baseball Federation of Asia (BFA).

Ms. Chea Theary, Genderal Secretary of Cambodia Baseball Federation (CBF), said that CBF led 18 players of Cambodia National Baseball Team (CNBT) to compete with Phnom Penh Blue Wave. “This competition will take a full game of 9 [innings].”

Mr. Koo Youn Keo, Director of Korea Baseball Association and Chairman of Technical committee of BFA, said that he is very interested in Cambodia baseball. He has come to Cambodia for five times before, mainly after reading a newspaper that introduced baseball to country. Compare to three years ago, Cambodian baseball has improved significantly.

“I really want to support Cambodia baseball because Cambodia needs to have a good baseball team, field, stadium, coach and administration system. “I hope the Cambodia National Baseball Team enjoys Incheon 2014 Asian Games.”

Dr. Kevin Kim, Director of Kampong Speu Club said that “Mr. Koo Youn Keo will come to support Cambodia, but Cambodia needs a basic baseball infrastructure. The country also need to invite experience coaches, and should consider building an administration system.

“I hope Cambodia can take this opportunity to develop baseball and jump to the next step,” he told the Southeast Asia Weekly.
Mr. Nheb Saroueun, Technical Director of CNBT, said that Phnom Penh Blue Wave competes with his team two times previously. On February 25, CBF will recruit team members nationally to join international tournament, particularly in preparation for the 26th SEA Games in Indonesia. That event will be host from 11 to 25 November 2011.

Rithy, 19, Catcher for the Phnom Penh Blue Wave, said that he has learned the game of baseball for two year. His team wishes to join CNBT and compete on international stage as well. Even though his team lost CNBT twice in previous competitions, he still believes the team can win in part due to drastic improvements made during practice.

The Cambodian National Baseball Team will participate in the 26th SEA Games. This team has been training since 2007. The federation has been recognized by the National Olympic Committee of Cambodia (NOCC) and currently trains at Prasath Balaing Sports Complex in Kampong Thom province. The team had competed in the 2007 SEA Games and 2009 Asian Baseball Cup, both held in Bangkok, Thailand.

By S.L (Vol. 5, Issue 7, SEAW)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Germany provide one million euro for Cambodia Mine Project

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (02 February 2011)
H.E Prak Sokhonn (right) shakes hand with German Ambassador Dr. Wolfgang Moser after the signing ceremony of grant aid for mine clearing project
The Federal Republic of Germany provided one million Euro in grant aid to the Royal kingdom of Cambodia for mine clearing project of the Cambodian Mine Action Centre (CMAC) in Siem Reap and Oddar Meanchey Province.

The project was signed by H.E. Prak Sokhonn, Minister attached to the Prime Minister and Vice-President CMAA, and Dr. Wolfgang Moser, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Cambodia under presided over by H.E. Dr.  Sok An, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister in Charge of the Council of Minister.

H.E. Sok AN said that Germany has agreed to provide one million Euros to fund CMAC’s Deming Unit 6, and this amount will allow CMAC to clear approximately 43 minefields, totaling 7,243,877 meters of full clearance. “It estimated that about 2,633 local families in Siem Reap and Oddar Meanchey will benefit from this project. [Beneficiaries] include mine victims and their families to improve our economic situation, particularly in remote area, rural area, and veteran’s families.

He continued to say that Germany has provided slightly over $10.8 million to the Royal Government of Cambodia to support CMAC’s demining operations in the provinces of Siem Reap and Oddar Meanchey since 1999 to 2010. This support has allowed CMAC to address 77.8 kilometers of landmine and UXO contaminated areas, thus destroying 159,613 landmines and unexploded ordnances. These achievements have considerably contributed to meeting the goals to “achieve maximum casualty and poverty reduction, to restore access to archeological sites and ancient temples, and to support rehabilitation and development of the affected communities in the Siem Reap and Oddar Meanchey provinces”.

“The benefits derived from this demining support will be far reaching. It will greatly contribute to not only saving lives and supporting development and rehabilitation for the people in target provinces, but enhancing cross-sector benefits to the tourism sector and the protection of Cambodia national and world heritage sites,” he said.

He added that demining operations in Cambodia have cleared 604 kilometers since 1992, and have conducted extensive Mine Risk Education and Reduction campaigns. In addition to these operations, Cambodia also participates in an international campaign in which the RGC sent members of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF), particularly those specializing in mine and unexploded ordnance clearance, on missions to clear and help the people of Sudan. This fits within the framework of UN Peace Keeping Forces. The government has also sent RCAF teams to other countries such as Chad and Central Africa for the same kind of mission. CMAC also shares experience with countries in the region and in other parts of the world such as Lao, Vietnam, Colombia, Sri Lanka and 15 African countries.

He remarked that Cambodia remains committed to its obligations under Ottawa Convention, future operations will contribute to meeting the revised deadline of 2019.

In November 2011, Cambodia will host the 11th Meeting of States Parties. This international event will place Cambodia in a position to show the world what it has achieved, in addition to its ongoing commitment to combat landmines and UXOs on global scale. This event also presents an opportunity to further renew Cambodia’s commitment to implementing the convention.

By S.L (Vol. 5, Issue 6, SEAW)

Two Bridges of Koh Pich Start Construction

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (01 February 2011)

The Phnom Penh municipal government and Diamond Island developers, Overseas Cambodian Investment Corp (OCIC) which is Chinese Canadian bank holding company started the construction of two bridges next to Diamond Bridge on January 31 to prevent hundred Cambodian people death event on the Diamond Bridge on 22nd November 2010 happen again and regulate the entrance to island.

H.E Kep Chuktema, Phnom Penh Governor, said that the developing of Diamond island is showed the development of Cambodia as well as Phnom Penh and it is a sign of a city that full of standard infrastructures with many resort and many of attractive places in Cambodia to attract a lot of national and international tourists to visit Cambodia especially Phnom Penh.

“From weed island to Diamond Island, it has been transformed into business opportunities for Cambodia, and it will continue to develop into a large zone.” The diamond island is a pace of economic rise, which is unique environment to attract the attention of domestic and foreign tourists

Through this development, Diamond Island became one of Phnom Penh’s commercial, economic, cultural and tourism center.” Diamond Island will become the most shining pearl Cambodia”, now Diamond Island built more bridges to regulate all entrances and exits from visitors to benefit long-tram development.

Poung Sovan, president of Canadian Bank said that these two bridge, one was designed for entering the Diamond Island, and the other was designed for exiting Diamond Island in order to meet the needs of the people and tourists in visiting. He said that “these two new bridges named Diamond Island Double Dragon Bridge.”

These two bridges is one of five bridges project, which is nine month project. “These two bridges will be finished before water festival this year” he said.

Until now, Overseas Cambodian Investment Corp already investment a big amount in the diamond island in Cambodia and the achievement of these investments include: a 8,000 square meters of grand ballroom, 14,000 square meters of two wedding hall , night markets, leisure parks, which is total cost about 1 billion U.S. dollars.

He said the company plans to build 3,000 sites of international standards theaters, a 3,000 square meters conference (Diamond Hall), residential, commercial, and examine the construction of a 555 meter tall building.

It is understood that the Diamond Island Double Dragon Bridge has 101 meters long and 12.7 meters wide, with 60 meters of concrete bridge, invested by Overseas Cambodian Investment Corp in estimated amount of 2,555,090 U.S dollars.

By S.L

ECCC Rejects Three Khmer Rouge Leaders’ Requests

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (01 February 2011)
Nuon Chea (left), Khieu Samphan (center) and Ieng Thirith (right)
The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) has conducted a public hearing on case 002, which were the appeals of the former Khmer
Rouge leaders: Khieu Samphan, Ieng Thirith, and Nuon Chea, demanding their release from custody.

Nel Noun, Head of Presiding Judge in the ECCC, said during the public hearing on January 31 that three out of the four Khmer Rouge leaders have been arrested since 2007. They have appealed to be discharged after more than three years of prison detention.

Khieu Samphan’s lawyer, Sor Sovann, urged the ECCC to conform the laws by releasing his client because the detention period as determined by the criminal court was over.

“I request the court to discharge me after I have been spending three years and four months in jail,” Khieu Samphan, said at the hearing.

The lawyers of the three defendants told the court that the validity of their detention ended on 15 January 2011. If there is no more trial, they should be discharged.
Following their lawyers’ address to the judges for the release of their clients, Khieu Samphan said, “I will not explain anything, but the only request is to implement the laws.”

There have been concerns over the age of frail defendants, who have currently reached the age of 75 to 85.

Ieng Thirith refused to join the hearing, and left the trial 30 minutes after it had begun at 9:30 a.m. Minutes later, Nuon Chea also was absent due to health problems, claiming to have high blood pressure. He expressed concerns that it was difficult for him to sit in the courtroom.

Andrew Cayley, an international judge of ECCC, responded to Nuon Chea’s lawyer that the request from Nuon Chea is invalid because the decision of the pre-trail chamber cannot be changed. Also, the ongoing detention of Nuon Chea does not affect the right of the defendant, in accordance with international laws.

Chea Leang, a national judge of ECCC, replied to the lawyers of the three defendants that the decision of prolonging the detention of the three Khmer Rouge leaders will have some degree of validity in four months, beginning 13 January 2011. It was added that his verdict complies with standard legal procedures.

She raised the example of international courts that even if defendants are imprisoned with wrong legal procedures, an appropriate solution is, however, not to release them.
At the end of the trial, the national and international judges of ECCC gave a final verdict by declining the requests of Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, and Ieng Thirith, who have appealed for the release from the prison detention.

During the brutal Khmer Rouge regime (1975-1979), Khieu Samphan was the head of state. Nuon Chea was the president of the national assembly, and Ieng Thirith was the Minister of Social Affairs.
(Vol. 5, Issue 6, SEAW)

Eight Teams Qualify for Hun Sen Cup

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (31 February 2011)
NAGA Crop (Green) versus Koh Kong
Eight football teams qualified for the quarterfinals of the Hun Sen Cup after competing in 16 knockout football tournaments held on January 22 – 23 and 29 - 30. The football teams competed at the National Stadium in Phnom Penh.

Those matches were: Prek Pra Keila versus Battambang; Build Bright United versus Rithysen; Preah Khanreach versus Keakkhiev Kampong Cham; Phnom Penh Crown versus Chlam Samoth; Stung Treng versus National Police; National Defense versus Chhmakhmao Svayrieng; and NAGA Crop versus Koh Kong.

Prek Prak Keila defeated Battambang with a score of 5-1. Even though Battambang’s player number 2 shot a ball into the net and scored, Prak Prak Keila continued to work together and, at the 31 minute mark, player number 11 scored for Battambang. The Prak Prak Keila team scored four more times to beat Battambang.

Build Bright United defeated Rithysen with a score of 6-1. Although Rithysen scored first in the game, with player number 17 scoring at the 16 minute mark, Build Bright United came back with six goals. Player number 10 scored at the 46 minute mark; player number 6 scored twice at the 51 and 70 minute marks; player number 29 scored at the 82 minute mark; and player number 10 scored at the 90 +2 minute mark.

In their match against each other, Preah Khanreach beat Keakkhiev Kampong Cham with a score of 4-1. Preah Khanreach’s player number 11 scored at the 11, 55, and 58 minute marks and player number 2 scored at the 34 minute mark.

Phnom Penh Crown defeated Chlam Samoth. At the 26 minute mark, player number 10 of Phnom Penh Crown scored by shooting a fast one into Chlam Samoth’s goal. Later, player number 4 also successfully scored at the 42 minute mark, and player number 13 scored at 70 minute mark. Chlam Samoth’s player number 5 struck back with a score at the 76 minute mark. Phnom Penh Crown continued to dominate the game, with two more scores at the 82 and 90+1 minute mark from players number 8 and 10.  At the end of the match, the final score was 5-1.

The National Police defeated Stung Treng in a final score of 3-0 after player number 3, Ly Ariphine, scored one goal at the 41 minute mark and player number 7, Sok Phaloudom, scored twice at the net at the 63 and 76 minute marks.

In the match between National Defense and Chhmakhmao Svayrieng, the National Defense team had a difficult time scoring but eventually won the match with a final score of 2-1. Neither team had scored up until the 49 minute mark, when player number 21 from National Defense rallied successfully to score at the net. Afterwards, player number 4 scored the second goal for the team at the 65 minute mark, which secured the win for National Defense. Chhmakhmao’s only score came at the 76 minute mark.

By S.L (Vol. 5, Issue 6, SEAW)

International Tennis tournament host in Cambodia

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (27 January 2011)

Cambodia through Tennis Federation of Cambodia (TFC) took role of host country to organized two international tournaments in Cambodia known as ITF (International Tennis Federation) Men’s Futures event, which held on January 24 to February 6 in Phnom Penh.

Mr. Khith Sipin, delegate in-charge of media and administration, told The Southeast Asia Weekly that there are two ITF Men’s future events which organized by IFC.  Those events are held in Cambodia. The first event will be held from 24-30 January and the second event will start from 30 January to 5 February.

“One event ended, another event will start”, he said.

He added that ITF are organizing these international events in Cambodia, which has 32 players in each tournament and they will support Cambodia in organizing, he added.

Mr. Tep Rithivit, Secretary General of TFC, said at a press conference on January 24 that a momentous occasion awaits the country’s tennis community as the TFC embarks on a historic journey in taking the fledgling federation to new international to new international heights, ITF will host two ITF Men’s Future Events at the National Training Center by the end of January till beginning of February.

“These landmark events mark the beginning of a new phase of tennis development in the country leading to Cambodia’s impending entry to the Davis Cup competition next year,” he added. It is positive sign that Tennis in Cambodia has arrived on the World stage.

He emphasized that it is not long ago that IFC could have hardly visualized an international event of this statue happening in its backyard.

The International Tennis Federation has graciously allocated 16,000 dollars from the Grand Slam Fund and has charted out a smooth organization course for the ITC.

Both the Future events carry a total prize of 15,000 dollars each with the estimating cost of 70,000 dollars for running these two events, he mentioned.

Tan Nysan and Bun Kenny who are some Cambodia’s best players participate directly in the main draw of both events for the TFC. “I am well-prepared to welcome ITF Men’s Future Event and except to win in this tournament”, both of them said in the press conference.

It is noted that Bun Kenny who is 1516 world ranking will meet Indian player, Vardhan Vishnu, who is 387 world ranking. For Tan Nysan, he is 1431 world ranking and he will meet Matsui Toshihide Japanese player, who is 436 world ranking. Could Bun Kenny and Tan Nysan get the champion in this match? No one know, let’s wait to see result together.

By S.L (Vol. 5, Issue 5, SEAW)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ministry of Commerce celebrates achievements of TRADE project as a vehicle for reducing poverty

Phnom Penh, Cambodia (27 January 2011)

The Ministry of Commerce marked the conclusion of a five-year trade development project today with renewed aspiration to further strengthen foundations for enhancing Cambodia’s capacity in using international trade as a vehicle for alleviating poverty..

H.E. CHAM Prasidh, Senior Minister and Minister of Commerce, presiding over the workshop on Trade-Related Assistance for Development and Equity (TRADE) project, led a discussion about the achievements of the project and the way forward in pro-poor trade development in Cambodia.

“I believe the work done by TRADE has been at the forefront of Cambodia’s effort to look for new opportunities to expand and diversify its export base. It is also reflected in several important government initiatives, such as our new Rice Sector Policy and our recent agreement with China on sanitary requirements for rice and cassava,” H.E. CHAM Prasidh said in his key note remark on Thursday.

TRADE was implemented by the Ministry of Commerce, with support from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). From 2006 onwards, TRADE has been one of the key donor-funded initiatives supporting ongoing efforts by the Royal Government of Cambodia to mainstream trade at the policy and institutional levels, develop institutional capacity in key departments of the Ministry of Commerce, and other selected government bodies. The project focused on enabling the government to manage trade-related technical assistance more effectively and to ensure that international trade is a vehicle to help Cambodia achieve its poverty reduction and human development goals.

One of the project’s most important impacts was enhancing the Ministry’s effectiveness in managing overseas development assistance in the trade sector, a function that was prompted by the formation of a Department of International Cooperation (DICO). 

“TRADE provided major support to our efforts to promote greater coordination of Aid-for-Trade among various development partners. This is at the core of our work to bring together, in a joint effort, all Cambodian stakeholders that can contribute to the success of Cambodia’s trade sector,” H.E. CHAM Prasidh said.

Recognizing that effective trade development requires stakeholders’ access to quality market information, the project worked to establish value chain and trade information analysis capabilities within the Ministry of Commerce. This effort included the creation of a Value Chain Unit within the Trade Promotion Department.

The Unit has already produced three profiles on rice, cassava, and cashew nuts – the sectors identified by the government as having major potentials for export. “We are working hard to find new support from other development partners to continue this very important work,” the minister said.

Another main goal of TRADE was to enhance Cambodia’s export capacity in several strategic sectors.  In particular, the project worked with rice millers and government officials to explore new markets for rice, leading trade missions as far afield as the EU and West Africa. The project also sponsored work with cassava processors, including the arrangement of meetings with cassava buyers in China. The project also helped secure a memorandum of understanding between Kampong Cham and Kampong Thom provinces and Dong Nai province in Vietnam, which has led to technical assistance support from Vietnamese cashew nut processors to cashew growers in Cambodia. TRADE also provided support to prahoc producers and sponsored a major conference on trade finance that inspired Government to include a focus on finance in its new rice policy.

TRADE has helped put Cambodia, as a least developed country, at the forefront of countries seeking to use international trade as a driver for poverty alleviation. Cambodia’s leadership is reflected in the fact that officials from other least developed countries such as Laos, Nepal, Bhutan, and Timor Leste came to the country throughout the course of the programme to observe first-hand – and ultimately emulate – the project.

UNDP Country Director Elena Tischenko was also present to mark the programme’s successful conclusion.  She said UNDP firmly believes that trade sector development should be an instrument of poverty reduction, as is reflected in the selection of priority sectors for export expansion.


ADB Signs Agreements worth $44 Million with Cambodia

Phnom, Penh, Cambodia (27 January 2011)

Cambodia’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Finance H.E. Keat Chhon and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) today signed grant and loan agreements worth $44 million for three development projects.

The agreements cover the Financial Sector Program (Cluster 2, Subprogram 4), the Second Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Communicable Disease Control Project, and the GMS Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Project.

ADB is providing loans of $10 million and grants of $5 million under the Financial Sector Program (Cluster 2, Subprogram 4), which supports development of a sound, market-based financial sector. This is achieved by improving payment clearance and settlements in the commercial banking sector, putting in place prudential supervision of banks and microfinance institutions, and promoting good governance and deposit-taking by microfinance institutions in compliance with improved prudential requirements. It also promotes greater transparency in the insurance industry, measures to combat money laundering, and a new integrated accounting system at the National Bank of Cambodia.

The program, which began in 2007, has led to increased bank lending of $1.52 billion, the creation of over 12,000 jobs, and the opening of over 980 new branches of banks and microfinance institutions throughout Cambodia.

“Financial sector development helps improve public confidence and expands the reach of the formal finance sector to lower income groups including rural microenterprises,” said Putu Kamayana, ADB Country Director for Cambodia.

To support the government’s drive to minimize economic impact of public health threats, ADB is providing $10 million in grants to expand surveillance response systems to control dengue outbreaks, and prevent the spread of communicable diseases in the GMS countries such as cholera, typhoid, and HIV/AIDS, as well as tropical illnesses such as Japanese encephalitis and schistosomiasis.

This is part of the $49 million Second GMS Communicable Disease Control Project, which also targets improvements in the disease control capacity of health services and communities in border districts of Cambodia, Laos and Viet Nam. The community-based communicable disease control systems funded by the project cover around 1.7 million people living in 116 border districts in the three countries.  About one-third of the population in the target areas belong to ethnic minority groups.

The richly diverse forest areas in the GMS countries have come under increasing pressure from hydropower development, road construction, mining and plantation agriculture. The $19 million grant for the Cambodia part of the GMS Biodiversity Project is part of the $69 million GMS Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Project, which aims to conserve more than 1.9 million hectares of threatened forest, home to over 170,000 mostly poor, ethnic minority groups in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Viet Nam.

The project will include planting indigenous trees to restore habitats in over 19,000 hectares of degraded forest land. It will also raise the capacity of national and provincial agencies and community-level groups to plan and sustainably manage forests, while supporting security of land tenure for poor households and ethnic minority groups dependent on forest resources. The project will also support small scale community infrastructure with funds going to communes and villages for potable water, sanitation, and waste management improvements, as well as upgrades of market access roads.

“These GMS projects will support sustainable economic growth by preventing public health threats, reducing negative impacts on economic productivity, trade and tourism, and conserving threatened forest land. They will contribute to poverty reduction and income generation for poor and disadvantaged communities, including ethnic minorities,” Mr. Kamayana added.

With the signing today, ADB has approved a total of $160.8 million in Asian Development Fund grants and loans for Cambodia in 2010, plus an additional $36.8 million mobilized from co-financing partners such as the Korean Economic Development Cooperation Fund, the OPEC Fund for International Development and the Nordic Development Fund.

In 2009, ADB approved a total of $16.1 billion in financing operations through loans, grants, guarantees, a trade finance facilitation program, equity investments, and technical assistance projects. ADB also mobilized co-financing amounting to $3.2 billion.